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Tag Archives: Journalism

New Deal democrats Weekly Indicators January 29 – February 2

Weekly Indicators for January 29 – February 2 at Seeking Alpha  – by New Deal democrat My “Weekly Indicators” post is up at Seeking Alpha. One week ago many of the high frequency indicators hit an “air pocket.” This week some – but not all! – resolved. At present there is one of the more anomalous situations I have observed. Most of the data is not just positive, but frequently strongly so. On the other hand, there is a nagging minority...

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Wrong about Biden economy

We are into the fourth year of Biden’s first term as President and some are finally beginning to realize that maybe, just maybe what Joe did was mostly correct. Yeah sure, there were some things he got wrong. However, he did lead us through one of the worst economic calamities the nation has survived, a pandemic. Democrats in Congress did help. In 2008, Obama had two years of Democrat support which went away in 2010. Recognized Biden’s efforts...

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Review by David Zetland: When a Crocodile Eats the Sun”

The same as David, I have heard good things about this book. I am also old enough to remember some of the news of the turmoil in Zimbabwe. Book Review: When a Crocodile Eats the Sun, The one-handed economist, David Zetland A white woman in South Africa suggested that I read this 2006 book by Peter Godwin, and I am glad that she did. I mention the color of her skin because skin matters in this memoir of how Zimbabwe fell apart in the...

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The Renaming of Bird Species Honoring historical figures

In Michigan, we had a feeder about 20 feet from the deck. We would get different species . Flickers, Downey Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Nut Hatches, Wrens, the common sparrows, etc. The Nut Hatches and Chickadees were the acrobats and would hang upside down. When the feeder would empty out the Chickadees would hang around on the feeder hanger and watch me take the feeder down. I would fill it, rehang it, and they would still be looking down or...

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At least today, things are looking up for the Democrats

Haley  Nikki Haley is staying in the race for the Republican nomination, at least for now.    Why?  If she only cares about becoming president, this year could be her best shot even with Trump way ahead of her in the polls.  Trump may be convicted or become incapacitated, and she could win the nomination as the last woman standing.  It is far from clear her political brand will be in better shape with Republican primary voters 4 years from...

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January 26, 2024, Letters from an American,

As far as you and I, antics in a court room would not have been acceptable. Trump is begging for a jail cell. Begging so he can claim to be a martyr for his beliefs. No feeding of the chimps no matter how much they jump up and down and toss excrement at you. It has to be frustrating to him that no one will react, January 26, 2024, Letters from an American, Prof. Heather Cox-Richardson This afternoon a jury of nine Americans deliberated for less...

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Trumps Poor Showing in New Hampshire and Iowa

Trump’s poor showing in New Hampshire, Robert Reich. Friends, As I noted earlier today, the mainstream media is falling over itself in seeming awe of Trump’s “powerful” campaign. The truth is just the opposite. Last week, he won fewer than 7 percent of registered voters in Iowa. Trump’s success in last week’s Iowa caucuses wasn’t a “stunning show of strength.” It was a display of remarkable weakness. He got just 56,260 votes. Hello?...

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Political realities and dangerous delusions

In keeping with the runup to the election next year, I will post some views making some sense out of of what is taking place. Infidel takes a look at how Democrats views are being seen as extreme or even more extreme the Republicans by the stances they are taking. People are beginning to see Republicans in a different light. Infidel753, Political realities and dangerous delusions, Infidel753 Blog Somebody’s got to say it.  The far-left...

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Visting I am shocked, shocked to find that editing is going on there.

My quest to detect evidence that the New York Times actually employs copy editors has arrived at success (a day late and an apology short). TI just discovered that today this article begins with the not absurdly incorrect abstract “Five universities have agreed to pay $104.5 million to settle a lawsuit accusing them of violating an agreement to be “need-blind” when admitting students.” Recently it began with the absurd abstract which I...

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