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Tag Archives: Rural Hospitals

Part 2 of Saving Rural Hospitals – Problems and Solutions for Rural Hospitals

I broke this report into two parts as it becomes harder to complete reading when each of us has other obligations. CHQPR or the Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform is a national policy center facilitating improvements in healthcare payment and delivery systems. As explained earlier in Part 1, rural hospitals are facing issues remaining open due to the lack of revenue for the services provided and a lack of use of various services. The...

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Saving Small Rural Hospitals, Problems and Solutions

This is quite a bit of band width to be recited at Angry Bear. The problem with healthcare facing smaller hospitals and healthcare is the lack of resource once you are outside of the metropolitan areas. You are pretty much on your own. If the resource is not there, it may be an hour or so away. Can treatment wait that long? It is something to think about. Saving Rural Hospitals – Problems and Solutions for Rural Hospitals, I broke...

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The Crisis in Rural Maternity Care

This is one of the types of care where the resource may not be used as often in rural areas when compared to more populated areas. It is still needed in rural areas. The problem being, how do you get the patient and the baby to a fully equipped hospital an hour or more away. In 2019, I wrote “A Woman’s Right to Safe Healthcare Outcomes,” Angry Bear.” I was asked to write this by women who wanted a man’s perspective. I wrote about clinical trials...

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A Better Way (Potentially) to Fund Rural Hospitals

The issues being addressed in the second part of the Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform or CHQPR ORG, report reviews what is causing small rural hospitals to close. Provided is also glimpse at a solution to fix and maintain small rural hospitals which can not maintain the necessary facility and service to local patients on their own. This is a patient-focused approach using a funding scheme designed to support the services patients...

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