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Tag Archives: student loans

Student Loan Crisis Would Likely Worsen Under a Second Trump Administration

I have written about student loans or have added articles about student loans to Angry Bear here, here, here, here, etc, etc, etc. I go back years on the topic as well as Alan Collinge of Student Loan Justice does. Politicians resist loan forgiveness claiming students are taking advantage of the system. It is a lie and many of the students have interest on loans which surpass the principal. I know of no bank or business loan which has such harsh...

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On student loans

Most students who attend medical school in the US do so with student loans. Yes, some have military scholarships and some have wealthy parents, but most don’t. I’m guessing that most students reckon they’ll easily pay off the loans with the income that an MD or DO degree commands, and so far, they’ll be right.But the immensity of these loans has negative externalities. Here are two:1. It affects the residency choices of graduates. Students with large...

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Ripping Off College Students’ Economic Future Redux

Originally, I put this into print November 2013. I took from many sources to complete it. I think it meshes well and still stands the test of time. The student loan issues and debt are still in existence. The debt owed is fare larger now with much of it being accumulated interest on principle. The cause of much of this is largely due to Biden’s policies before he became President up though 2005. The numbers for those having student loans is far...

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DeSantis unveils economic plan, aim to ease process for discharging student loans through bankruptcy

This article came by way of Dale Coberly. In particular, Dale thought making student loans the responsibility of universities rather than students was enlightening. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis unveiled a new economic plan Monday as part of his 2024 presidential bid that includes a goal of easing the path for student loans to be discharged through bankruptcy. DeSantis’ “declaration of economic independence” includes 10 pillars that he says will...

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DeSantis unveils economic plan, aim to ease process for discharging student loans through bankruptcy

This article came by way of Dale Coberly. In particular, Dale thought making student loans the responsibility of universities rather than students was enlightening. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis unveiled a new economic plan Monday as part of his 2024 presidential bid that includes a goal of easing the path for student loans to be discharged through bankruptcy. DeSantis’ “declaration of economic independence” includes 10 pillars that he says will...

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On inheritance, college tuition and college loans

My parents died as paupers, so there wasn’t anything for me and my four siblings to “inherit” upon their deaths. No matter. I figure I got my inheritance on the front end, because my folks paid for my college education: tuition, room and board. Even correcting for inflation, tuition* at the University of Tennessee was cheap: ca. $160/quarter for a full load. I was fortunate that my parents had the money; even though I also carried a work-study job...

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When is harm done in the Courts?

Some confounding SCOTUS decisions which do not have logical backing and are more partisan than normal. There is no standing on either of these cases. 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis This SCOTUS ruling is puzzling to me in that it brings up the question in my mind of when is harm done? “303” was not asked to make a cake. It did not refuse to make a cake. It assumed the law would be enforced upon them, if they refused to make a cake for a same-sex...

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‘There’s no way I can pay it’: Americans dread restart of student loan payments

About the time I was talking to USC’s Associate Director and Alan Collinge at the Student Loan Justice Facebook site, Michael “The Guardian” reporter was talking to students there about payback issues. Everyone is concerned about the startup of loan paybacks. It is a serious issue for most. ‘There’s no way I can pay it’: Americans dread restart of student loan payments, US student debt | The Guardian, Michael Sainato Many Americans are dreading...

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Standing May Be Critical to How SCOTUS Rules on Student Loan Relief

Some of Insider’s reporting, Justice Barrett and the courts wording, and my comments intermingled in this post. Amy Coney Barrett Might Have Undermined Student-Debt-Relief Lawsuit, businessinsider, Ayelet Sheffey On Thursday, Justice Amy Coney Barrett delivered the opinion in Haaland v. Brackeen, which challenged the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 allowing Native American children to remain with Native American families in custody battles....

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Open Thread June 17, 2023 Students Loans

Maybe you have been unaware of it, the repayment of student loans is to begin again come September 2023. President Biden had stopped all payments and interest accruing early on during the Covid Pandemic. Offering up reductions of ten to twenty thousand in reductions for outstanding loan was apart of the president’s plan. For many this would be adequate. However, there is a sizeable number of borrowers who owe far more than this amount. In many...

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