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Tag Archives: Uncategorized

Why Minsky matters

from Asad Zaman Why did No One See It Coming? We start by posing the question “Why did no one see it coming?” which the Queen of England asked at the London School of Economics. To answer, we must consider the evolution of macroeconomic thought. This involves the rejection of Keynes, the rise of monetarism of Friedman, the extremism of Lucas, New Monetary Consensus of Bernanke, Efficient Markets of Fama, Laissez-Faire approach to financial regulation. The book starts with a beautiful...

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The inconsistencies of intellectual property

from Herman Daly Of all things knowledge is that which should be most freely shared, because in sharing it is multiplied rather than divided. Knowledge is a non-rival good and should be also non excludable. Yet, as already noted, our trade theorists have rejected Thomas Jefferson’s dictum that “Knowledge is the common property of mankind” in exchange for a muddled doctrine of “trade related intellectual property rights” by which they are willing to grant private corporations monopoly...

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How to teach economics if you have a dissenting perspective

from Lars Syll Issue #1: How do you teach the introductory economics courses if you have a dissenting perspective? Mankiw lays out three alternatives, teaching the mainstream and suppressing your own views, teaching minority or fringe views (i.e. your own), or not teaching introductory econ at all. He says the second option is “pedagogical malpractice” … I opted for an approach neither of them consider, to present mainstream economics in the third person: this is what that particular...

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The logic of artificial scarcity at work

from Jason Hickel We can also see the logic of artificial scarcity at work in the realm of consumption. Industrialists who fear that people’s existing needs are too limited to absorb capitalism’s immense productive output must seek to create new needs, or else the juggernaut will grind to a halt. This is accomplished by various means. One is to expand desires through sophisticated advertising campaigns – and to extend these campaigns into all public and private spaces – manipulating...

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from Peter Radford I want to note, with sadness, the death of Alan Krueger who was one of those economists undaunted by the existence of the real world and all its complexity, and had the courage to present conclusions based on empirical work rather than on pure theory. Others will write more cogently than I can about his impact on the profession, so I will simply note that his work, with David Card, on debunking the notion that a rise in the minimum wage will always cause higher...

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RWER special issue: Economics and the Ecosystem

Real-World Economics Review – issue no. 87 Economics and the Ecosystem download whole issue Introduction           2Jamie Morgan and Edward Fullbrook           download Growthism: Its ecological, economic, and ethical limits          9Herman Daly           download Producing ecological economy          23Katharine N. Farrell          download Economics 101: dog barking, overgrazing and ecological collapse          33Edward Fullbrook          download Addressing meta-externalities:...

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Beyond behavioral economics: the self-governance of nudging

from Maria Alejandra Madi Looking back, after the Second World War, new theoretical and applied work in economics fostered empirical techniques that included structural estimation, the development of input-output methods and linear programming. Among the theoretical advances, the Keynesian revolution, the mathematical modeling of the business cycle, game theory, dynamic modeling, new models of consumer behavior and general equilibrium analysis can be highlighted. What is significant about...

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Help please!

Can anyone out there help me? Just saw a headline on CNN saying that, in spite of Brexit chaos, unemployment was at an historic low. Likewise in US where in spite of Trump — could it really be because of? — unemployment is also at an historic low. Reminds me that back in the late 1970s there was a G-7 summit in London England. There were pictures in the press of the leaders, beginning with Thatcher. For Italy the joke was that politics was so volatile that no one could remember who was its...

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