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The real college admissions scandal is structural inequality

from Dean Baker The indictments last week of a number of prominent people for paying bribes to get their children into elite colleges was perhaps more amusing than shocking. The fact that rich people are often able to buy their kids into schools is hardly a secret. After all, who believes that Donald Trump would have been accepted at the University of Pennsylvania, or his son-in-law Jared Kushner would have been attending Harvard, had it not been for their wealthy fathers? We also know...

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from Richard Norgaard We live in the era of Economism. Human consciousness is deeply etched by economistic beliefs in individualism, materialism, property, markets, economic growth, and freedom as consumer choice. These beliefs are necessary to sustain the system that supports us. But the economy we have is unlikely to support our grandchildren. Natural scientists argue that we are in a new geologic era, the Anthropocene, where people have become the major force in changing the geosphere:...

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Populism in the Time of Neoliberalism

The way of the world in recent and present time is the preach and the practice of neoliberalism, of pushing markets to their extremes. The Turkish writer and political analyst Ece Temelkuran in her new book How to Lose a Country: the Seven Steps from Democracy to Dictatorship, draws on her Turkish experience and applies its lesson elsewhere, notably to Trump’s America. What is the relationship between neoliberalism and populism? Temelkuran sees a link and makes a most insightful point:...

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Populism in the Time of Neoliberalism

The way of the world in recent and present time is the preach and the practice of neoliberalism, of pushing markets to their extremes. The Turkish writer and political analyst Ece Temelkuran in her new book How to Lose a Country: the Seven Steps from Democracy to Dictatorship, draws on her Turkish experience and applies its lesson elsewhere, notably to Trump’s America. What is the relationship between neoliberalism and populism? Temelkuran sees a link and makes a most...

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Certain decisions

from Peter Radford One of the books I keep close by on the shelf is Paul Glimcher’s “Decisions, Uncertainty, and the Brain: The Science of Neuroeconomics”.  It dates back to 2004 and is one of those books that provides a glimpse of what a dialog between economic theory and psychology might produce.  More to the point it explores the issues surrounding economic decision making at a deep biological level.  It thus adds substantially to the behavioral explanation of economic activity. Apart...

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Public debt — questions and answers

from Lars Syll Can a government go bankrupt? No. You cannot be indebted to yourself. Can a central bank go bankrupt? No. A central bank can in principle always ‘print’ more money. Do taxpayers have to repay government debts? No, at least not as long the debt is incurred in a country’s own currency. Do increased public debts burden future generations? No, not necessarily. It depends on what the debt is used for. Does maintaining full employment mean the government has to increase its...

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Alan Krueger And Happiness

Alan Krueger And Happiness It took awhile for me to remember after his apparent suicide that the late Alan Krueger was the coauthor of what I consider to be the best paper published on happiness economics, “Develpments in the Measurement of Subjective Well-Being,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2006, 20(1), 2-24, .  (I apologize if that link is no good.) This paper was coauthored with is...

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Switching track

from Peter McManners Economics has evolved over the last two centuries, from Adam Smith’s ideas to expand into a colossus which is now the dominant driver of policy. This has set the world on a track of extraordinary success, as measured by GDP and wealth. Continuing down this track, defined by economic objectives, leads to levels of consumption beyond our dreams and beyond the capacity of the planet. Success today comes at the price of downfall in the future, as “economic civilisation”...

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The neoliberal governance of the self: a clarification

from Maria Alejandra Madi My last post on Behavioural Economics arose some interesting questions about the rationality of the neoliberal governance of the self and its relation to the current research about psychology and cognitive theories. ( The neoliberal governance of self-care (or neoliberal governance of the self) relies on Dual Process Cognitive Theories (DPTs),...

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