Sunday , October 6 2024
Home / Video / Record bank reserves will push bond yields down

Record bank reserves will push bond yields down

Record bank reserves are like gravity pulling bond yields down.

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Record bank reserves are like gravity pulling bond yields down.
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. Mike thanks for the commentary well-put

  2. lumber prices was because of a shortages due to Canadian mill shutdowns that got exacerbated by lockdowns.

  3. The reason why,people are cautious is, look at the volume on the SPX, from now, going back, along with the VVIX still elevated for a while now above 110, we hit over 119 today, but when the Bill is passed, while the Fed said, they will begin tapering with related Jobs reports. They will Taper, which will cause an adjustment to markets, countless are now leaving jobs due to Mandates globally Citigroup, and JP Morgan came out the other day, a stock market crash is imminent, major shortages increasing, War threats, not being fully disclosed, so i like you Mike, however, the idea is a Wealth transfer. Countries, are moving away from the USD, i can go on, just saying, now is not the tie to be super Bullish. I have been, until this week, i am not buying at these highs. Have a great weekend.

  4. There is no inflation look at lumber prices crashing. You might be pissed off inflation. I am confused ? is there inflation or not?

    • Well what's inflation? It's when the supply of goods and services can't meet demand. Why is their a lot of things going up in price? Because they closed the keystone pipeline which decreases oil production, and it takes oil to transport most goods. So it acts in a inflationary manner. Also with the shutdown oil consumption went down, so Saudi Arabia dropped production. One last thing people want better pay which labor is in everything. So once they get the vaccines going the economy will open up and most likely oil production will go up which they could then lower prices of goods and services. I'm not an expert, it's just my opinion.

    • Monetarily: no real inflation.
      Supply disruption: inflationary. It's that easy.

  5. Do not open the links "voo" dot "fyi". I think it's some scammer/spammer BS. You should delete the comments.

  6. This is one of the best videos you have ever made!

    Your deficit quote should be memorized like ABCs! Got back into the market!

  7. You need to sell "Your Printing' Money T-Shirts"…Everyone would buy them !

  8. need to make 'they're printing money' ring tone

  9. patreon(SLACNetwork)

    hes is telling the truth Im getting a bump in ssi because of inflation it shouldnt be but it is

  10. Always learning from Mike! Even after years of studying his work! The Debt Ceiling info he spoke of makes perfect sense. Like I already knew it fundamentally. Love this guy! Join our team! It gets scary how much I know and learned from Mike over the years and I still don't know sh%t compared to Mike!

    • We're never going to know shit compared to Mike. I know full well I'm not that smart, I'm just happy that I'm at least smart enough to know who to follow. I'm a year and a half in and the pieces are starting to fall into place, mental game, fiscal flows, market composition, sentiment are pretty clear now, but there is so much more to go maybe in 3 years I can do it alone.

  11. These talks used to get under my skin prior to joining MMT Trader more than a year ago. I thought just because I agreed with the people whom I thought made the most sense in regards with the markets were the ones who were right. However, it was very costly investing in ideals. Especially, the whole inflation/gold & silver narrative.

  12. Mike is printing knowledge! Listen up!!!!

  13. I thought this was an older video due to the setting. This is the oval office of MMT! HOORAH!

  14. "ITS ON YOU!" BINGO! CASH is trash BUT it is a UTILITY.. i hear the gold bugs (with their declining hoards) say "WE NEED TO RETURN TO A GOLD STANDARD!"…. lol i can't help but ask you want your hoard to be @ a fixed price??… i like gold too but not at these prices, i sold all mine last yr @ spot 1966.. who hoards cash? DO SOMETHING WITH IT THAT'S WHY ITS THERE!

  15. Mosler explained Inside vs. Outside money and showed how deficit spending goes to savings in the public which is pensions, IRAs, etc.

  16. Default lol, such a joke when they say that, not sure how yellen kept a straight face when she said that recently about the debt ceiling. I don't like our system but don't let that blind me from understanding how to profit from how it works. I'd like to see a video of you explaining what would happen if enough crazy people were elected. My thoughts if it were a total default is money would vanish from your bank account, 401k, money market, foreign holders of us debt would be out, and anyone who held physical or securitized treasuries directly…then us interest rates would massively spike because we'd go to junk debt status and few would buy it. Ahh and we'd loose reserve status.

  17. I thought it was an older video, too. Reminds me of the days when Mike did his Mark Faber: "Dey're printin' muneh~!!!"

  18. keep preaching Mike. just wanted to know how the Treasury could hold this past weeks treasury auctions when aren't they at the debt celing limit? thank you.

  19. Confidence and its medium of exchange called credit sit at the center of economic stability? 2020 Cares Act $6t backstop was an example of restoring confidence through credit. The playbook and the players reaction to credit are always highly correlated. Rates are meaningless. Creditability.

  20. Timing Solution Tutorials

    Great audio for some reason, liking the format

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