Everyone is telling you 2023 is going to be horrible. Should you believe them? Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics: Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course.
Mike Norman considers the following as important:
This could be interesting, too:
Everyone is telling you 2023 is going to be horrible. Should you believe them? Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics: Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course.
Mike Norman considers the following as important:
This could be interesting, too:
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Everyone is telling you 2023 is going to be horrible. Should you believe them? Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics: Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course. |
Happy New Year 2023 Mike!
I am buying dips, tobacco dips.
Mike you are my Forex mentor. Have listened to you for many years now just got one question , what would the bankers do to crash the economy , what would the signs of them doing this be ?
you must love eating that Turk-Lira long trade for the last 4 years, rofl. And the entire dollar-bear for almost the same time has been equally hilarious.
No real answer.
You're right Mike black rock is looking to loot Ukraine and they will. And Vladimir zelensky will become a very very rich man.
Mike, I agree with another comment. Why don't you ever discuss yield curve inversion as a recession indicator? I would love to hear your view.
@somebody I am not taking any side, I just want to know Mike opinion.
@Kramer 90 he has previously addressed the yield curve inversion non-sense in this video:
just watch maverick you'll be better off for doing it
@John Tipeti no thanks… he's clueless and just steels others work.
Yield curve inversion is only a recession indicator because the fed stops hiking rates when there is sufficient contraction. If the market anticipates this the curve will invert. But in this case, it's not a reliable indicator, because as Mike says, everybody's wrong.
Love your commentary, esp last part where you had that tongue slip, lol. You're the best, Mike.
Mike, you’re the best please please never leave your channel until they bury you in the ground (in presumably a cemetery in Queens lol) even if you’re wrong from time to time you’re not God you are mostly right so just keep on keeping on because I got really upset when a while back you were talking about closing off the channel don’t do that keep going man 👍
Good on ya Mike!
Kalecki-Levy profits ?
Best Economic video on YouTube. This should be saved for posterities sake. God Bless.
yeah, let's just ignore the heaping pile of turd on all of his long long long stock calls for the entirety of 2022
Delusional thinking must be great!
You have strong grounds Mike. Really respect your gut and what you are doing. Happy new year.
lol you must have zero respect for yourself then. you fool.
Great video Mike!
My money is on Mike! Come back in a couple months to find betting against Mike was a bad move.
lol, well if your money is on Mike, then you've been ground to dust in 2022. Looks good on you, muppet!
Fed Kashkari wants another 100bps rate hike this year
The last batch of qe increased the fed spread sheet by 42%, the stock market went up by a similar figure. When the fed spread sheet retracts, so will stocks. Money is much more expensive and will remain so. Most folk won’t have access to cheap cash, and that cheap money has been the only thing growing the economy.
Bank credit (loans) is 3x more than system reserves. And that is an important driver of the economy. What you have expressed exposes your lack of understanding about banking and the regulatory structure. When the Fed reduces reserves, banks can LEND MORE. That's because reserve assets are reduced from the calculation of total assets, and loans can fill the void. This has been EXACTY what has been happening.
And the last round of QE was simultaneously accompanied by a $3T expansion in fiscal support. (Checks to everyone.)
Is this recession a ploy to get stock holders to sell at the bottom?
Mcap to GDP is still highest level ever, but for the bubble we just experienced, at about 200% of GDP. I won't think about buying stocks until it's about 150%…ie. another 25% haircut.
You make some good points, but I think there's still a risk of a significant decline i.e. crash.
S&P ended 2022 down 19.4%. I think that will continue.