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The Angry Bear

A Longgg Time Series of Safe Real Interest Rates

I learn from Brad DeLong (nickname delong run) that Paul Schmelzing has gone to a truly heroic effort and estimated safe real interest rates since 1310! The main point is the long slow decline (it is ironic that one of the stylized growth “facts” is that there is no clear trend in real interest rates. Brad discusses this at length at his SubStack. Oddly, although he is one of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis’s worst enemies not named Robert...

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State Supreme Court Issues A Devastating Rebuke of the U.S. Supreme Court

As you read this Slate article, this is something I was also thinking about. How did SCOTUS arrive at its decision and what was the basis or history supporting its decision? SCOTUS was interpreting what they thought it should be. Thomas was telling judges to study the history of gun control before they arrive at a decision. The discussion centers around militia and right of individuals to bear arms. Read on . . . A State Supreme Court Just Issued...

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Gen Z is Leaving Michigan in Droves

Michigan has always had its ups and downs. Pretty much this was the resuly of automotive being a core business within the state. Michigan economy would go which ever was automotive and the economy would go. Another core industry would help in Michigan. Michigan now find itself as the only state from which more Gen Z people departed than arrived during 2022, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau data analysis by the Seattle-based real estate...

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What Judge Luttig’s Report Reveals

I listened to former Federal Judge Luttig’s last night. Luttig covers what SCOTUS may be intending to do with trump. Covers the DC Court of Appeals opinion. And the good judge has a few words of reprimand for prosecutor Hur and his random off-roading opinion of President Joe Biden which was not a part of his assignment. I dislike talking to prosecutors as their role is to break you down. In this case, Hur took advantage of his role. Hope you...

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New Deal democrats Weekly Indicators for February 5 – 9 2024

Weekly Indicators for February 5 – 9 at Seeking Alpha  – by New Deal democrat My Weekly Indicators post is up at Seeking Alpha. Most notable is that two of the long leading indicators – interest rates and corporate profits – have turned from very negative to at very least neutral, increasingly suggesting better economic news ahead. As usual, clicking over and reading will bring you up to the virtual moment as to the economy, and reward me...

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A national unity ticket?

Democracy and world peace have had a very bad week. The special counsel’s unprofessional, partisan decision has put Biden’s age and mental status front and center in the presidential contest.  Most commentators agree that it is up to President Biden to dispel doubts about his fitness, primarily by making himself more available to interviewers and voters.  Whether this will work remains to be seen.  Even if Biden is mentally fit, which I believe is...

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George W. Bush, Jr. Gaffs-The Dark Side

Went dumpster diving in my Internet sites to find this again. George W. Bush, Jr. – The Dark Side ( Enjoy the silly remarks by Boy-George Bush as compared to Joe Biden. And then the political clowns such as Hur, attack Biden? A president who took us through what could have been one of the greatest economic downturns in the history of the US. The stress must have been tremendous the last three years. And trump gave us $2 trillion...

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Why I changed my mind and think Trump should be thrown off the ballot

January 6 was an insurrection, rebellion against the election of a new president. Congressmen/women and Senators fled for their lives. No help came from city police or elsewhere to quell the insurrection. There is no question about what it was. Calling it a riot is an attempt to make it less then what it was, an attempt to overthrow the government. Opinion | Why I changed my mind and think Trump should be thrown off the ballot The Washington...

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February 9, 2024, Letters from an American

Why is it that Democrats always pick the wrong guy? Yes, he delivered an honest, nonpolitical, and legal determination of Biden’s guilt or innocence as assigned to do. No, he is not entitled to go forward with his personal BS assessment of Biden a man he obviously distains. February 9, 2024, Letters from an American, Prof. Heather Cox-Richardson Yesterday, Special Counsel Robert Hur, appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland in January...

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Cohousing Could Be the Answer for Aging Baby Boomers

Cohousing, another way to have multifamily and multigenerational housing. Why Cohousing Could Be the Answer for Aging Baby Boomers, Carbon Upfront, Lloyd Alter In a recent post, Why the future of housing should be multifamily and multigenerational, I mentioned cohousing, which was started in Denmark primarily by young families as a way of sharing resources like childcare. Katheryn McCamant and Charles Durrett summarize it in the...

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