Sunday , October 6 2024
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The Angry Bear

Michigan’s Land and Water Contamination

Having lived in Michigan for twenty-seven plus years, we became aware of PFAS in the surrounding water and land towards the later part of the time period. Much of it was due to the closure or abandonment of businesses in and around the area. Some of the lakes nearby were impacted by land runoff from these sites. Warnings were posted about not eating the fish caught from these lakes. Fortunately, our well was not impacted by it. Michigan is number...

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The Overpayment of Medicare Advantage

In “2022 Overpayment to Medicare Advantage? Somewhere between 22% and 35%,” Angry Bear, we featured Kip Sullivan’s article, “Medicare Advantage is a money grab by big insurers,” Minnesota Reformer. Besides his own words on the topic, he also used data from MA Overpayment Report, Physicians for a National Health Plan report. Joel led me to this article which I am going to tackle again MA Overpayment Report ( in greater detail and brokn...

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Near Complete Abatement of Inflation

Producer prices, “sticky” consumer prices – basically, everything except shelter show nearly complete abatement of inflation  – by New Deal democrat The producer price index released this morning for November is yet further confirmation that inflation ex-shelter is simply not in the pipeline. Both total and core PPI were unchanged for the month. Both commodities (blue) and finished goods (red) declined by another -0.5%, as shown in the below...

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Choosing FFS Medicare after Enrolling in Medicare Advantage Plans

After doing some quick scanning of articles on the topic of Medicare Advantage plan disenrollment, I found many leave Medicare Advantage because of complex healthcare conditions. Either a change in health leading to such or an inability to get the care they need. Medicare Advantage plans notoriously deny care as a method to delay care and gain greater profitability. There is more to my explanation than what I have said. Medicare Advantage...

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Special Prosecutor Jack Smith files with SCOTUS

To get to SCOTUS first and decide whether trump has immunity from any and all criminal prosecution. This has been the heart of trump’s attorney filings and to delay. In the Southern Florida Federal District, we can see this emerging with a judge who appears to be promoting delays. The manner of which is similar in getting him to the 2024 election where once elected (if such can be) he can claim immunity to crimes committed. Then there is SCOTUS...

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Abortion, eugenics and Kate Cox

Eugenics is the practice of arranging reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Setting aside who gets to decide which human traits are desirable and undesirable, we simply don’t know enough about the genetic basis for things like industriousness, fidelity, thrift, honesty and countless other human behaviors to pursue a selective breeding program to enhance the frequency of...

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Four Days a Week: This Labor Day, Let’s Talk About Laboring Less

If the throughput of product remains the same or increases, why wouldn’t a 4-day labor week be allowed? If more output is required, another shift can be started on the fifth day. Tom Walker has discussed such utilization of production labor to gain greater productivity. There is no loss of money to the company. Labor is happier with a system allowing more free time off. “Four Days a Week: This Labor Day, Let’s Talk About Laboring Less,”...

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Real aggregate payrolls rise to new high as CPI ex-shelter continues somnolent

Real aggregate payrolls rise to new high as CPI ex-shelter continues somnolent  – by New Deal democrat With few exceptions, the November CPI report once again demonstrated how important fictitious shelter is to its calculation, as well as how important the inflection point of $5 gas in June 2022 has been. Headline inflation rose only 0.1% in November, and is up 3.1% YoY. Core inflation less food and energy increased 0.3%, and is up 4.0%...

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Take Out a $200k Loan with No Real Returns for a Decade?

The issue of student loans and the debt after graduation no only plagues doctors, etc., it is common case amongst all students. Indeed with the shortage of Primary Care Physicians, one plan might be to lower costs for people enrolling in this discipline. Otherwise, lowering costs or maybe forgiving loans after a number of years could alleviate debt and attract more candidates to medicine disciplines. Would You Take Out a $200k Loan with No Real...

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In-Box Topics Which May Be of Interest

Topics pulled from my In-Box which I have no time to write about. Thinking, they still may be of interest to readers who visit Angry Bear. Please be topical. Healthcare Some Reasons to Get Off the Fence About COVID Booster,, Debby Waldman. Researchers found that getting vaccinated led to a 69% reduction in long-COVID risk among adults who received three vaccines before being infected. Doctor ‘Wage Theft’ Is Not Without...

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