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The Angry Bear

TimeWork Web Reloaded

TimeWork Web Reloaded Publication of my article, “The Ambivalence of Disposable Time: The Source and Remedy of the National Difficulties at Two Hundred,” felt very much like the culmination of a 26-year long research project that began when I answered a call for proposals from the B.C. Ministry of Employment and Investment. My proposal included a research hub website, which was pretty innovative for 1995. It turns out that no research contract was...

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A “Summer Rerun – The Victory of Privilege”

Yves Smith is back at Naked Capitalism, having been out for medical reasons. Angry Bear and I wish her well in recouping and rehabbing. An Introduction; At Naked Capitalism, Yves posted a commentary from September 2018 on the topic of “Privilege.” Intertwined with her experience as a child growing up in factory-dominated towns to what is being experienced in the South – Alabama . . . where she now resides. Although a college town, it is a...

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Coronavirus dashboard for June 23: And so, it (the delta wave) begins

Coronavirus dashboard for June 23: And so, it (the delta wave) begins [Note: New home sales will be reported later this morning, and I will post on that report afterward.]There is now more evidence that the “delta” variant of COVID is taking hold in the unvaccinated regions of the country, and case counts are increasing accordingly. Below are the 5 States that have all seen unequivocal increases in new cases over the past 2 to 4 weeks:”...

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Will Tether Bring All The Cryptocurrencies Way Down?

Will Tether Bring All The Cryptocurrencies Way Down?  I do not know, but there is a fairly serious argument now out there that this could happen.  It is made by Gennaro at , picked up on by Tyler Cowen on Marginal Revolution without comment. Among those Gennaro cites at least partly supporting his argument is Nassim N. Taleb. So the argument is that bitcoin and most other major...

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June 23, 2021 “Letters from An American”

I subscribe to various sites from which I extract data. Each morning, this is my read while drinking my coffee – black. A brief Introduction as taken from Professor Richardson’s site: This is a chronicle of today’s political landscape, but because you can’t get a grip on today’s politics without an outline of America’s Constitution, and laws, and the economy, and social customs, this newsletter explores what it means, and what it has meant, to be...

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The Media’s Continued Fascination of One Donald J. Trump

Commenter Mike Smith (?) has another good comment up in the Open Thread. I am putting him out here also in the main stream. Thanks Mike. As media becomes more and more “boring” there is considerable ince time for news outlets to begin reporting from the sidelines again as Trump ramps up his 2024 campaign. Here in Texas, we already have people donating and flying Trump 2024 flags, Texans For Trump is all too often. As the Democrats yell at each...

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Coronavirus dashboard for June 21: watching the States with flat or increasing rates of new cases

Coronavirus dashboard for June 21: watching the States with flat or increasing rates of new cases For the past week I have been sounding the alarm about the economic impact of the “delta” variant of COVID. We are probably already beginning to see its impact on the case count in several States, with many more primed to join the pack, so that is what I want to focus on today. To begin with, let’s compare the 3 countries that have had the most...

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The Iranian Presidential Election

The Iranian Presidential Election  The outcome is as expected, a solid victory with 18 out of 28 million votes or so for the hardline winner, Ebrahim Raisi, who is currently head of the Supreme Court.  He was previously Attorney General, ran four years ago for president, and has a long history of being a public prosecutor going back into his 20s (he is now 60). In 1988 he played a role in the killing of about 5,000 prisoners, which led him to be...

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