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The Angry Bear

New and continued jobless claims: best week of the pandemic; can it survive a new emergency?

New and continued jobless claims: best week of the pandemic; can it survive a new emergency? This week’s new and continued jobless claims, both seasonally adjusted and unadjusted, declined to new pandemic lows – but at levels roughly equivalent to their worst readings during the Great Recession. On an unadjusted basis, new jobless claims declined by 20,799 to 723,105. Seasonally adjusted claims declined by 48,000 to 709,000. The 4-week moving average...

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New Reasons To Believe Trump Will Not Attempt A Coup

New Reasons To Believe Trump Will Not Attempt A Coup  Officially Trump continues to hold a hard line of denying he has lost, with most GOP officeholders continuing to support his denials publicly, and he is likely to continue to not officially concede in various ways, including such as blocking official support for the transition process to a future Biden admin, which is potentially damaging in various ways.  Nevertheless, after some important...

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Weekly Indicators for November 9 – 13 at Seeking Alpha

by New Deal democrat Weekly Indicators for November 9 – 13 at Seeking Alpha My Weekly Indicators post is up at Seeking Alpha. With Joe Biden assuming the Presidency on January 20, and an announcement of a successful vaccine by Pfizer that should be available by next spring or summer, the short and long leading indicators should once again be giving their usual signals for next year. And we have a pretty good idea of what that means… As usual, clicking...

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September JOLTS report shows jobs recovery has been real – but will it continue?

September JOLTS report shows jobs recovery has been real – but will it continue? Yesterday’s (Nov. 10)  JOLTS report for September showed a jobs market that continues to be, ever so slowly, on the mend. Openings and quits were up (good), and layoffs and discharges were down (also good). The only negative was that hires actually declined, although slightly. We are far enough past the worst of the pandemic jobs losses that it is worthwhile to compare the...

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Imagine a world where 70% of the 7.4 billion population lives in its developing countries. Imagine a world where more than 70% of the population is considered to be of low income. Imagine a world where, in one continent alone, most of that continent’s 1.2 billion population live in its underdeveloped nations. Now imagine raising the living standard of all these people to first world standards. Imagine how much energy it would take to provide them just the...

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2020 “Globie”: The Carry Trade

by Joseph Joyce 2020 “Globie”: The Carry Trade It is time to announce the recipient of this year’s “Globie”, i.e., the Globalization Book of the Year. The award gives me a chance to draw attention to a book that is particularly insightful about some aspect of globalization. This year’s winner is The Rise of Carry: The Dangerous Consequences of Volatility Suppression and the New Financial Order of Decaying Growth and Recurring Crisis by Tim Lee, Jamie...

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Is Trump Going To Attempt A Coup?

Barkley Rosser, Econospeak Blog, “Is Trump Going To Attempt A Coup?” I realize that Joe Biden just held a press conference where he basically dismissed the refusal of Trump and a lot of other Republicans to concede the presidential election to Biden as “embarrassing,” laughing at Secretary of State Pompeo who earlier today talked about a transition to a second Trump term, and said it will all be over and fine by Jan. 20. Maybe, but I am somebody who has...

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Student Loan Debt Crisis Town Hall – November 20, 2020

[embedded content] Friday, November 20, 2020 3:00 PM (EST) Student Loan Debt Crisis Panelists include: PAUL GRONDAHL – Director New York State Writers Institute (host) MATT TAIBBI – Author, Rolling Stone Magazine, Reporter (moderator) Michael J. Camoin – Videos For Change Productions, SCARED TO DEBT (filmmaker) ALAN COLLINGE – Founder of StudentLoanJustice.Org (activist) CATHERINE AUSTIN FITT – Investment Advisor (former Sallie Mae ) THOMAS BORGERS – Wall...

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Project Perjury

Project Perjury The Washington Post has a story about the Erie, Pennsylvania postal worker who claimed to not have not recanted his fantasy about overhearing a conspiracy to backdate ballots. For some unknown reason Project Veritas thinks the audiotape of the postal worker’s interview with investigators from the Post Office Inspector General’s proves the opposite of what it does. There is no coercion in the interview. The investigators repeatedly advise...

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This update from XPOSTFACTOID showed up in my inbox. If Roberts and Kavanaugh continue on the same path they have started out on initially, it appears the case brought about by Texas make fail. Briefly, here are some points made. November 10 in oral argument; California v. Texas  Roberts appears equally skeptical about this argument from intent. In oral argument yesterday, Kyle Hawkins, arguing for Texas, made the case: “I think it’s critical that, in...

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