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The Angry Bear

2020 Voter Fraud

First, look at the political make up the states from where all the noise of voter fraud is coming. These states have: Republican legislatures as determined by Gerrymandering. A trifecta (possibly) which is a Republican Governor and legislature. A historical turnout of voters in 2020. A higher turnout of Democratic voters than Republican. A reversal of votes from Repubs to Democrats historically or from 2016 to 2020 (MI, WI, and PA) Had a normal percentage...

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The Language of Slavery

Peter Dorman, Economics professor at Evergreen State College has been posting at Angry Bear blog from time to time. His latest “The Language of Slavery” was published at Econospeak, November 9, 2020. Peter’s commentary draws from a NYT  article – “Alexander Hamilton, Enslaver?”  which differentiates between slave owner and enslaver as a “part of the larger movement to make politics a matter of individual responsibility.  Slavery was a horror, and this...

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Coronavirus dashboard for November 9: Wow (and not in a good way)

Coronavirus dashboard for November 9: Wow (and not in a good way) US total infections: 9,968,155* US average last 7 days: 108,737 US total deaths: 237,570 US average last 7 days: 939 *I suspect that the real number is about 16 million, or about 5% of the total US population Source: COVID Tracking Project While we have been riveted by the 2020 election, the pandemic has continued to rage out of control in parts of the US, particularly in parts of the...

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“Spencer England,” In Remembrance, November 8, 2020

Dan here: I received this note from Spencer’s son Matt late afternoon yesterday. Thank you Matt for the note. I knew Spencer as an economist who had a fact-based analysis of industry trends and a direct and clear way of demonstrating and describing a point to the discussion for over a decade. 2011 provides an example. Dean Baker noticed at times. I cannot find Paul Krugman’s mention but here is part of the year 2013. Matt Spencer sent this note about his...

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These days, the nation, the world, is faced with the problem of how to distribute wealth, wealth that is being created using less and less labor input? How to distribute the profits from highly capitalized, highly automated, production? Unions, that had been much a part of the solution to the distribution problem in the early 20th century, are becoming more and more irrelevant. A new economic model is desperately needed. Since the dawning of the...

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The 2020 Presidential and Senate races: a postmortem

The 2020 Presidential and Senate races: a postmortem Way back in June I started writing nowcasts for the 2020 elections. Here’s what my very first map looked like: And here’s what the last one looked like: When I pushed the “toss-ups”, by lowering the threshold from 3% to 1%, NC, GA, and FL also became “lean Biden” States. Here’s how the election actually turned out, based on results through today (note: Alaska has only counted 50% of its...

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Visiting Charlottesville On The Day Biden-Harris Declared Victors Over Trump-Pence

Visiting Charlottesville On The Day Biden-Harris Declared Victors Over Trump-Pence  Really, it was not planned with politics in mind.  In Harrisonburg, VA we are an hour drive from Charlottesville, VA, and we have in the past maybe about 2 times every 3 months or so go over there to shop, eat, hang out, etc.  I used to go to UVa to the library or to see people I know, but all that has faded away to nothing over time.  In the pandemic, we have cut it way...

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Weekly Indicators for November 2 – 6 at Seeking Alpha My Weekly Indicators post is up at Seeking Alpha.

by New Deal democrat Weekly Indicators for November 2 – 6 at Seeking Alpha My Weekly Indicators post is up at Seeking Alpha. With the almost certain election of Joe Biden to the Presidency, we can expect a much more organized and effective Federal response to the pandemic beginning on January 20. If the pandemic is brought under control by spring sometime (and maybe a vaccine becomes available), the ordinary function of the leading economic indicators...

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October jobs report: extremely strong monthly gains overall, but at this rate still another 18 months from full jobs recovery

October jobs report: extremely strong monthly gains overall, but at this rate still another 18 months from full jobs recovery HEADLINES: 638,000 million jobs gained. The gains since May total about 55% of the 22.1 million job losses in March and April. The alternate, and more volatile measure in the household report was 2,243,000 jobs gained, which factors into the unemployment and underemployment rates below. U3 unemployment rate declined -1.0% from 7.9%...

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