Sunday , September 29 2024
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The Angry Bear

Where do libertarians stand on race? Glad you asked.

Almost all Americans agree that the government should not actively discriminate against blacks and other racial groups, and most believe that private race discrimination should be prohibited as well.  Many people would go further and support efforts to reduce the large racial disparities that persist in America despite formal legal injunctions against discrimination.  Some believe that schools and employers have a responsibility to eradicate subtle forms...

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America’s Most Odious

— Preface Donald J. Trump is not on this list only because he is much so more than odious. — Grover Norquist* Because; in any list there has to be a number one. Though it was tough choosing a number one, no one is more deserving. Using one’s intelligence to bully, to manipulate others, is the most odious of things any human can do. Bastard even had them sign an oath not to raise taxes lest he primary them.His tax scam wasn’t even his idea. He got it...

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Yemen: More Damage To World Peace And Security Due To Trump Wrecking Everything As He Exits

Yemen: More Damage To World Peace And Security Due To Trump Wrecking Everything As He Exits Michigan certified its vote results for Biden, and now crucially Emily Murphey at the GSA has agreed and now recognized officially that at least Joe Biden should be allowed to transition properly as has always happened in the past normally. But in his lame duckery, still denying his obvious loss, Donald Trump is trashing everything in sight.  Very serious...

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Benjamin Franklin vs. John Locke on the Legislature vs. the Executive

Benjamin Franklin vs. John Locke on the Legislature vs. the Executive An initial note: there is very little economic data this week. Some house price information gets updated tomorrow, and then on Wednesday we get a slew of data, including Q3 corporate profits, jobless claims, new home sales, durable goods orders, and personal income and spending. That’s probably worth two days’ of posts, at least one of which will probably be at Seeking Alpha. Shorter...

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Janet Yellen Will Be Treasury Secretary

Janet Yellen Will Be Treasury Secretary  I have long been a great fan of hers as well as knowing her and her husband, George Akerlof, personally.  Back in 2009 I was the first person to call for her to be named Fed Chair. I am very pleased with this appointment.  This is as good as it gets. (For those who wanted Lael Brainerd, we need her at the Fed where all the current governors are Trump appointees other than her).  Elizabeth Warren also would have...

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Lord, the Pain of it

The good mayor of El Paso is at wit’s end. He is worrying himself into the grave. The City’s hospitals and morgues are overflowing. Seems that the people have to work to eat, and, if they work, they get the virus and get sick, and, too many die. Damned capitalism is as deadly as the virus; together they are a catastrophe. Maybe, if he would just step across the border into New Mexico, better yet, hop on a plane to San Francisco, better to get as far away...

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New Fault Lines in a Post-Globalized World

(Dan here,,,I think worth looking at in American Affairs) New Fault Lines in a Post-Globalized World By Marshall Auerback and Jan Ritch-Frel November 20, 2020The economic damage of the coronavirus pandemic has upended the global economic system and, just as importantly, cast out the neoliberal orthodoxy that dominated the industrialized world for the past forty years. But Covid-19 has only accelerated a process that was already well underway, impacting...

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