Sunday , February 23 2025
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The Angry Bear

The Impact of Rebates on Measured Inflation of Branded Prescription Drugs

I found this report on Health Affairs a day or so ago. It was long and I spent the last two days condensing it so it could be presented and read on Angry Bear. Briefly, the author(s) detailed four main prices which consist of a List Price, an Out-of-Pocket Price, Insurer’s responsibility price, and the Negotiated price once all rebates are accounted. Exhibit 1 is a quicky study to understand how the authors arrived at the breakdown. Also detailed is...

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How Clean Energy Can Benefit Climate, Communities, and Conservation

By Garry George Audubon The goal of conservation is to protect biodiversity and prevent species from disappearing. We often associate this work with the maintenance of natural areas, but Audubon’s science shows that bird populations are feeling impacts of climate change even in protected places like wildlife refuges. As just one example, Burrowing Owls are projected to lose 14% of their current range if the average global temperature increases...

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Making Trump Tax Cuts Permanent has Medicaid the Top Target for Cuts

I did some rewriting on this particular commentary and added two charts from another commentary (at the bottom). The point being to give graphical depiction of the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and who it benefited the most. You can see (for whatever reason) why the Republican Party is pushing for this and taking it from Medicaid. You can also wonder why less wealthy Republicans making far less than the major beneficiaries are not up in...

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New Deal democrats Weekly Indicators for September 2 – 6 2024

 – by New Deal democrat My “Weekly Indicators” post is up at Seeking Alpha. In the wake of yesterday’s weak jobs report, bond yields and mortgage rates declined to 12 months+ lows, commodities declined across the board, stocks sold off sharply, and the 10 years to 2-year Treasury spread un-inverted. That’s bad news and good news. It’s bad news because it indicates a belief that the economy has weakened substantially, but good news because...

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Yes, the Profit Share Has Risen Since the Pandemic

Interesting and brief piece by Dean Baker of CEPR in relation to price gouging. There continues to be a debate about the extent to which “price-gouging” or “greedflation” has been responsible for the rise in prices since the pandemic. We can debate the extent to which companies were able to take advantage of monopoly power during the pandemic. Whatever the cause, it is clear the profit share of corporate income has risen from before the pandemic...

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Trump’s behavior today merits a marker

If this is going to be a close election between trump and Kamala Harris, I will be surprised, Trump just keeps babbling away with his commentaries. Taken from the reports I have read, the audience coming out to hear him speak, have been leaving early. The more desperate trump gets, the more he babbles. It will be interesting to see who shows up for the debate. The babbler or a thinking (if such can be done) trump. Enoy the read. September...

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Looking Toward Tuesday’s “Debate” Between the Prosecutor and the Felonious Traitor

The one element we lack at Angry Bear is regular woman commenters and/or a woman writer. I have searched and asked. Explained it does take time and you are exposed to silly or rude comments. It is a different perspective coming from women. A perspective I can not present. Angry Bear has Annie’s permission to present her words at Angry Bear. This is a good commentary by Annie as taken from her site “annieasksyou.” Looking Toward Tuesday’s...

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Empty Promises, Big Paydays: Kroger and Albertsons CEOs Fail to Justify Largest Supermarket Merger in History

by American Economic Liberties Project Looks like tgings are being said that are no legally enforceable. Let me see . . . Deleted emails, Albertson’s CEO can walk away with a $40-something million bonus if he can close the deal, a special dividend to private equity investors worth $4 billion and paid with borrowed money, the $4 billion came after Albertsons swore to both a judge and to Congress that it was in “excellent financial condition.”...

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Hey, It is a Long Rant on People Driven Large Vehicles

It is an accurate rant and depicts what I see on the highway. I see much of this in Arizona where we live today. An explosion of oversized vehicles which typically do not carry anything but people. As one planning commissioner said to the builders, sixty percent of the vehicles being driven in southern Arizona are pickups. The implication here was driveways must be long enough to accommodate them so they do not block a sidewalk. And then, do the...

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Frontloading Interest Rate Cuts

This report by Employ America was written the day before the Unemployment report was released on the 6th. There is another link to a report on Indeed at the end of this report. It too makes for an interesting tead. The good news from the August jobs report is the labor market is not weakening as quickly as July’s shaky report would have you believe. The bad news is the labor market’s strength is slowly fading. Time is a-wasting for the Fed to take...

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