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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Bayesianism — a scientific cul-de-sac

Bayesianism — a scientific cul-de-sac The bias toward the superficial and the response to extraneous influences on research are both examples of real harm done in contemporary social science by a roughly Bayesian paradigm of statistical inference as the epitome of empirical argument. For instance the dominant attitude toward the sources of black-white differential in United States unemployment rates (routinely the rates are in a two to one ratio) is...

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The Nobel prize that isn’t really a Nobel prize

The Nobel prize that isn’t really a Nobel prize .[embedded content] And if you want to get that prize in economics — and want to be on the sure side — yours truly would suggest you move to Chicago. Out of the 86 laureates that have been awarded “The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel,” more than a third have been affiliated to The University of Chicago. The world is really a very small place when it comes to  economics …...

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Professor svarar lättkränkta Malmöstudenter

Professor svarar lättkränkta Malmöstudenter Min främsta uppgift är att förmedla kunskap, inte att skydda studenter från obehag. Samtidigt finns det ett pedagogiskt problem i det, för om studenterna upplever alltför stort obehag, kommer det att stå i vägen för deras och deras medstudenters lärande. Det gör min situation svårlösbar: Hur skall jag kunna undervisa om ett visuellt material utan att använda bilder? Hur skall vi lära oss att identifiera och...

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Yours truly among top economics influencers to follow

Yours truly among top economics influencers to follow Mainstream economics has sadly made economics increasingly irrelevant to the understanding of the real world. Trying to contribute in making economics a more realist and relevant science, yours truly launched this blog in March 2011. Now, ten years later and with millions of page views on it, yours truly is — together with people like e.g. Paul Krugman, Nate Silver, Dani Rodrik, Thomas Piketty, Steve...

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Chicago style history of economics

Chicago style history of economics Dans son histoire de la macroéconomie, De Vroey (2015) donne le premier rôle aux transformations épistémologiques et méthodologiques défendues par la NEC [nouvelle économie classique], et plus particulièrement par Robert Lucas. Les macroéconomistes aujourd’hui reconnaissent en général cette dimension principale de la NEC … Si les bouleversements qu’a connu la macroéconomie sous l’impulsion de la NEC dans les années 1970...

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