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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Sweden’s multiculturalist experiment

 [embedded content] Kultur, identitet, etnicitet, genus, religiositet får aldrig accepteras som grund för intolerans i politiska och medborgerliga hänseenden. I ett modernt demokratiskt samhälle måste människor kunna räkna med att samhället också skyddar dem mot intoleransens övergrepp. Alla medborgare måste ha friheten och rätten att också ifrågasätta och lämna den egna gruppen. Mot dem som inte accepterar den toleransen måste vi vara intoleranta. I Sverige har vi länge...

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Skidelsky on the uselessness of ‘New Keynesian’ economics

Whereas the Great Depression of the 1930s produced Keynesian economics, and the stagflation of the 1970s produced Milton Friedman’s monetarism, the Great Recession has produced no similar intellectual shift. This is deeply depressing to young students of economics, who hoped for a suitably challenging response from the profession. Why has there been none? Krugman’s answer is typically ingenious: the old macroeconomics was, as the saying goes, “good enough for government work”...

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The past and future of economics

The past and future of economics One sign that something historically new has indeed appeared is if scholars begin reading the past in a new light. Accordingly, one of the most significant books to come out of the UK in recent years would have to be Robert Skidelsky’s Money and Government: The Past and Future of Economics. Ostensibly an attempt to answer the question of why mainstream economics rendered itself so useless in the years immediately before and...

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Why Wall Street shorts economists and their DSGE models

Why Wall Street shorts economists and their DSGE models Very few Wall Street firms find the DSGE models useful … This should come as no surprise to anyone who has looked closely at the models. Can an economy of hundreds of millions of individuals and tens of thousands of different firms be distilled into just one household and one firm, which rationally optimize their risk-adjusted discounted expected returns over an infinite future? There is no empirical...

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Le capitalisme spéculatif

Il n’y a pas de «solution» aux difficultés que pose le capitalisme spéculatif. L’Ecole de Palo Alto a montré qu’on ne peut trouver de réponse à un problème en raisonnant dans le cadre qu’il dessine. Comme le capitalisme contemporain se nourrit d’une infinie spéculation sur les promesses de l’avenir, ce n’est pas en formulant de nouvelles promesses qu’on échappera à sa logique. Même «alternatives», elles entretiendront les mêmes chimères. La seule façon de sortir de labyrinthe,...

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Sie brauchen keinen Führer

Sie brauchen keinen Führer Erstmals in der Geschichte des Bundestages hat ein Ausschuss seinen Vorsitzenden des Amtes enthoben, nach Verlesen eines mehrseitigen Antrags aller anderen Fraktionen, nach kurzer juristischer Gegenrede der AfD … Jüngster Anlass war ein Tweet, in dem Brandner dem Musiker Udo Lindenberg indirekt vorwarf, das Bundesverdienstkreuz als “Judaslohn” für seine scharfe Kritik an der AfD erhalten zu haben – Lindenberg, ein Verräter also....

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