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Home / Lars P. Syll (page 265)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Econometric forecasting — no icing on the economist’s cake

It is clearly the case that experienced modellers could easily come up with significantly different models based on the same set of data thus undermining claims to researcher-independent objectivity. This has been demonstrated empirically by Magnus and Morgan (1999) who conducted an experiment in which an apprentice had to try to replicate the analysis of a dataset that might have been carried out by three different experts (Leamer, Sims, and Hendry) following their published...

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Marxisme culturel — histoire d’une notion

Marxisme culturel — histoire d’une notion Cette expression connaît aussi un usage savant, surtout aux Etats-Unis. Dans ce cadre, il désigne un courant de pensée inspirée par l’œuvre de Karl Marx, qui fonde sa critique de la société non pas seulement sur une analyse des inégalités générées par le système de production économique, mais aussi sur l’aliénation qu’il engendre à travers la culture entendue au sens large – les arts, la publicité, la vie politique,...

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Economics — a primary reason for the rise of inequality

Economics — a primary reason for the rise of inequality In 2004, the Nobel laureate Robert Lucas warned against any revival of efforts to reduce inequality. “Of the tendencies that are harmful to sound economics, the most seductive, and in my opinion the most poisonous, is to focus on questions of distribution.” Accounts of the rise of inequality often take a fatalistic view. The problem is described as a natural consequence of capitalism, or it is blamed...

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Why attractive people you date tend​ to be jerks

Why attractive people you date tend​ to be jerks Have you ever noticed that, among the people you date, the attractive ones tend to be jerks? Instead of constructing elaborate psychosocial theories, consider a simpler explanation. Your choice of people to date depends on two factors, attractiveness and personality. You’ll take a chance on dating a mean attractive person or a nice unattractive person, and certainly a nice attractive person, but not a mean...

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A day never to be forgotten (personal)

A day never to be forgotten (personal)   Thirty years ago to the day. A newly wedded couple celebrating in front of the church where the act took place. People say time heals all wounds. I wish that was true. But some wounds never heal — you just learn to live with the scars. In memory of Kristina Syll — beloved wife and mother of David and Tora. [embedded content]

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Die ‘schwarze Null’ ist kein ideal

Die ‘schwarze Null’ ist kein ideal Christian Kastrop … ist gewissermaßen der Erfinder der deutschen Schuldenbremse, als Unterabteilungsleiter im Finanzministerium entwickelte er das Konzept einer im Grundgesetz verankerten Regel, die die öffentliche Kreditaufnahme begrenzt. Heute ist Kastrop Europa-Direktor bei der Bertelsmann Stiftung und beschäftigt sich immer noch mit Schulden – nur dass er sie nicht mehr begrenzen will, sondern ermöglichen. Ausgerechnet...

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Four days ago Trump called Danish Prime Minister ‘nasty’ Yesterday he said she was a ‘wonderful woman’ [embedded content] STATLER: Booo! WALDORF: Booo! S: That was the worst thing I’ve ever heard! W: It was terrible! S: Horrendous! W: Well it wasn’t that bad. S: Oh, yeah? W: Well, there were parts of it I liked! S: Well, I liked a lot of it. W: Yeah, it was GOOD actually. S: It was great! W: It was wonderful! S: Yeah, bravo! W: More! S: More!

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