Vem får Nobelpriset i ekonomi 2017? Traditionsenligt anordnas i dagarna en omröstning om vem Ekonomistas läsare tror kommer att få årets s. k. Nobelpris i ekonomi. Lika traditionsenligt finns det bara med en svensk på Ekonomistas lista. En person som inte alls hör hemma på en sådan lista. Sedan lång tid har vårt lilla land inte lyckats avla fram några riktigt framstående neoklassiska mainstream — andra kommer som vi alla vet ytterst sällan i fråga —...
Read More »On the importance of pluralism
On the importance of pluralism Theorien für die keine Alternativen in Betracht kommen scheinen, degenerieren allzuleicht zu dogmatisierten Systemen, die ihre Schwierigkeiten mit Hilfe von Alibi-Klauseln, ad-hoc-Annahmen und Abgrenzungspraktiken, kurz; durch Anwendung von Immunisieringsstrategien, zu bewältigen. Hans Albert Marktsoziologie und Entscheidungslogik The only economic analysis that mainstream economists accept is the one that takes place within...
Read More »Why MMT is so popular
Why MMT is so popular Now we can see why MMT is so popular … We are in an MMT world, where we should be using fiscal policy and not worrying about the deficit, but policymakers don’t understand that. I think most mainstream macroeconomists do understand this, but we are not often heard. The ground was therefore ripe for MMT. Policymakers following austerity when they clearly should not annoys me a great deal, and I am very happy to join common cause with...
Read More »Mainstream economics — like butter scraped over too much bread
Mainstream economics — like butter scraped over too much bread Much of current academic teaching and research has been criticized for its lack of relevance, that is, of immediate practical impact … I submit that the consistently indifferent performance in practical applications is in fact a symptom of a fundamental imbalance in the present state of our discipline. The weak and all too slowly growing empirical foundation clearly cannot support the...
Read More »Den akademiska byråkratiseringen
Statsvetaren Patrik Hall vid Malmö presenterade statistik på DN Debatt gällande antalet anställda inom vissa yrkeskategorier i offentlig sektor och deras utveckling under perioden 2001-2013 … Jag blev nyfiken på hur det ser ut inom den svenska universitets-världen när jag läste Halls artikel. Känslan är nämligen att även svenska universitet lider av en växande byråkratisering, med ökande krav från den ”centrala administrationen” och underskott i assistenter och sekreterare...
Read More »Jerusalem
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Read More »Die Antwort
Mein junger Sohn fragt mich: Soll ich Mathematik lernen? Wozu? möchte ich fragen. Daß zwei Stück Brot mehr ist als eines: Das wirst Du auch so merken! Mein junger Sohn fragt mich: Soll ich Englisch lernen? Wozu? möchte ich fragen. Dieses Reicht geht unter und reibe Du nur mit der flachen Hand den Bauch und stöhne und man wird Dich schon verstehen. Mein junger Sohn fragt mich: Soll ich Geschichte lernen? Wozu? möchte ich fragen. Lerne nur Deinen Kopf in die Erde zu stecken,...
Read More »Der Kapitalismus
[embedded content] div{float:left;margin-right:10px;} div.wpmrec2x div.u > div:nth-child(3n){margin-right:0px;} ]]> Advertisements
Read More »Why game theory will be nothing but a footnote in the history of social science
Why game theory will be nothing but a footnote in the history of social science Nash equilibrium has since it was introduced back in the 50’s come to be the standard solution concept used by game theorists. The justification for its use has mainly built on dubious and contentious assumptions like ‘common knowledge’ and individuals exclusively identified as instrumentally rational. And as if that wasn’t enough, one actually, to ‘save’ the Holy Equilibrium...
Read More »Rational expectations — the triumph of ideology over science
Rational expectations — the triumph of ideology over science Research shows not only that individuals sometimes act differently than standard economic theories predict, but that they do so regularly, systematically, and in ways that can be understood and interpreted through alternative hypotheses, competing with those utilised by orthodox economists. To most market participants — and, indeed, ordinary observers — this does not seem like big news … In fact,...
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