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Mike Norman Economics

The multiplier shows that not all government spending is equal — Richard Murphy

 This is a very clear, simple to understand, and short explanation of the multiplier effect, which completely undercuts the argument for fiscal austerity. Coupled with MMT, the multiplier effect makes a much bigger pie possible through intelligently targeted fiscal policy.Richard Murphy mentions education and healthcare but public investment in infrastructure and R&D have similarly high multipliers, unlike tax cuts for the rich and military spending, which have low...

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Dems duck debt increase

Dems perhaps don’t have the votes to increase debt ceiling, now next watch for a senate GOPer to pledge to filibuster any legislation that would increase or suspend the debt ceiling:The obvious step is for Democrats to include a debt-limit increase as part of the budget resolution they plan to pass in the Senate this week, following Tuesday’s passage of a $1 trillion infrastructure bill. They can pass the budget with 50 Democrats, plus Vice President Kamala Harris, and Republicans can’t stop...

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Creative Associates International (CAI): It’s Not Exactly the CIA, But Close Enough — Alan MacLeod

An ordinary person arriving at Creative Associates’ website — festooned as it is with images of smiling African children, Asian kids being taught how to read and happy Latino farmers harvesting their fields — would likely conclude that the outfit is some sort of progressive non-profit charity tirelessly working to empower vulnerable people around the world.Yet subjecting the organization to a little more scrutiny, some red flags immediately begin to emerge. First is the indecipherable...

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Bibliography on Marx’s Law of the Falling Rate of Profit — Lord Keynes

Bibliography along with Lord Keynes's analysis of the deficiencies of the theory of the falling rate of profit attributed to Marx. LK finds it more likely that this theory is due to largely to Engels completion of volume three of Capital from Marx's notes rather than coming from Marx himself. LK also points to Post Keynesian issues with Marx's theory of profit based on surplus value.adobe Social Democracy For The 21St Century: A Post Keynesian PerspectiveBibliography on Marx’s Law of the...

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Explaining Afghanistan’s Collapse — Paul Robinson

Vietnam Syndrome redux. This is fast unfolding fiasco is even worse than Vietnam since it shows that the US learned nothing from its ignominious withdrawal in Vietnam.IrrussianalityExplaining Afghanistan’s CollapsePaul Robinson | Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of OttawaSee alsoReminiscence of the FutureOK, I Might As Well Say It.Andrei Martyanov

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Johnny Harris – Why is Russia so DAMN BIG?

 Johnny Harris is no friend of Putin, but this video is mainly non political and shows how and why Russia became so big. The original Russia had weak borders with no mountains or sea, and with one border being a grass flatland, it was under constant attack until it expanded outwards, and then outwards, and so on, not knowing when to stop. Most of the time they took over other countries peacefully, but not always.[embedded content]Johnny Harris - Why is Russia so DAMN BIG?

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