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Mike Norman Economics

Gillian Tett – How the Fed’s digital currency could displace crypto

The Boston Fed and MIT are building a CBDC from scratch that aims to usurp existing tokens Second, after the Fed releases a white paper “that will document the ability to meet reasonable goals with core processing”, it will “create an open source licence for the code”, as Eric Rosengren, Boston Fed president, recently pledged. This is an unusually open approach for the Fed, to put it mildly. US officials appear to hope that if their code is copied, it will improve it and — most crucially —...

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Alan McLead – The New York Times’ Long History of Endorsing US-Backed Coups

The New York Times Editorial Board, it seems, rarely meets a coup backed by the US government that it doesn’t approve of. You must elect the correct democratic government - any other is void. Go back and try again. If you fail, we will install one for you!The US has overthrown so many foreign governments that Wikipedia editors feel their article about it is too long and unweildly to read. ???????Bolivian President Evo Morales was overthrown in a U.S.-backed military coup d’état earlier this...

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Don’t get fooled. Bond yields going lower.

Record cash in the banking system will mean bond yields will continue to fall, taper or no taper. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics:

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Gary Explains – You Probably WON’T Be Able to Use Windows 11

 Millions of PCs could be dumped well before they need to be because of Microsoft. I have a four year old high quality PC that I built myself for making music on, but I won't be able to install Windows 11 on it. My Asus motherboard will also need a new driver too, and Asus don't make one. When installing Windows 10 a few years back, my Roland Midi controller needed a new driver to work with it, but Roland did not make one. Fortunately, a guy on YouTube showed you how to alter the driver,...

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Dems to exclude Debt Ceiling hike from budget resolution

More brinksmanship… Democrats don’t want to be seen as solely responsible… I assume a CR by definition puts us into October…NEW?Senate Dems will likely EXCLUDE a debt limit hike in their budget resolution. Instead, they’re eyeing a must-pass CR as the next opportunity for action, relying on GOP support.Major political implications:— Caitlin Emma (@caitlinzemma) August 4, 2021 GOP still saying no way Jose…. C’mon everybody! Let’s hear it!   all together now!...

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BOE gdp

Looks to me like they are rolling over…We expect spending in the UK to continue to rise, as more people are vaccinated and confidence grows. #MonetaryPolicyReport— Bank of England (@bankofengland) August 5, 2021

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BOE status quo

Eat shit and die you detestable inflationista zombie assholes…The Monetary Policy Committee voted unanimously to keep interest rates at 0.1% and by a majority of 7-1 to maintain the amount of quantitative easing at £895bn. #MonetaryPolicyReport #BankRate— Bank of England (@bankofengland) August 5, 2021

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John Bellamy Foster – The New Cold War on China

 Trouble times, I think it's time to watch another episode of The Avengers!In the week prior to this high-level meeting, Washington had set the stage, signaling through its actions its intention to promote a hyper-aggressive Cold War 2.0 directed at China. Thus, on March 12, Biden met with the heads of state of Japan, India, and Australia, representing the new Quad military-strategic alliance led by the United States, widely seen as an attempt to construct an Asian analogue to the North...

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The shocking transformation of the UK household diet since 1980 ?? BBC

 Who can resist a pizza, or a kebab - especially after the pub!? Oh well, those good old days are over now. I'm getting into the gardening nowadays too, and I look forward to getting decent night's sleep at night not altered by beer.64% of calories consumed by children in the UK are now from ultra-processed food. Dr Chris Van Tulleken finds out more.[embedded content]The shocking transformation of the UK household diet since 1980 ?? BBC

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