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Mike Norman Economics

Negative rates

But according to the inflationista assholes it’s only the US that is experiencing “inflation!” …. Oh ok… why aren’t these assholes over in the EZ with all their effeminate whining?Next week 30 yr German bonds & Japan 10 yr bonds likely go negative yields; Italy negative out to 5 years, France negative out to 10 years; Australia & UK short maturity bonds w/in a hair of going negative; the bond bubble continues to build— Dan Bowman (@DanBowmanAMP) July 31, 2021

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Germany deposits at all time high

And with negative rates and fees to depositors… US headed there too?Good Morning from #Germany where retail deposits have hit an ATH at €2.63tn in Jun although more & more banks charging penalty interest on deposits & although inflation reduces value of money. In July, inflation rose to 3.8%. Means loss of purchasing power of deposits of €100bn— Holger Zschaepitz (@Schuldensuehner) August 1, 2021

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Robert Murray-Smith – A Wind Generator That Works Even When The Wind Stops Blowing

 This guy has designed his own wind generator, along with some help from his subscribers. He says that getting other people to help him greatly improved its design, whereas if someone hangs onto an idea in the hope of getting rich, they may never get to produce it, because they can get stuck and not be able to think out of the box. So his design is open source, and he mentions the areas where he thinks it can be improved, if anyone wants to have a go.The turbine only delivers 270ma, but four...

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Good vibrations: bladeless turbines could bring wind power to your home

Skybrators’ generate clean energy without environmental impact of large windfarms, say green pioneersNo more ugly windmills, although I didn't find them unattractive, but this new type is even better. The giant windfarms that line hills and coastlines are not the only way to harness the power of the wind, say green energy pioneers who plan to reinvent wind power by forgoing the need for turbine towers, blades – and even wind.“We are not against traditional windfarms,” says David Yáñez, the...

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Analysis News – Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State – TRAILER

The Jesus I was taught about when I was a boy said, "Love thy neighbour, turn the other cheek, and he who has not sinned cast the first stone." This Jesus was gentle. He also cared for the poor and destitute. Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, says quite possibly as much as a third of the U.S. military have been recruited to extreme Christian Nationalism, including at the highest levels. They were heavily involved in the events of Jan 6th. The full interview will...

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Can G7 Countries Compete With China’s Belt And Road Initiative? — Oxford Business Group

Won't work unless the Western governments back their private companies that are supposed to put risk capital into it in order to make a profit. And it won't work for the West either if the West doesn't ties strings to the investment, which will mean it won't work for the target countries.Moreover, the third world is out of the natural reach of the capitalist countries other than as colonies.This is overreach.For China (and Russia) it is an entirely different story. This is their region of...

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