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Mike Norman Economics

Fun to watch "know-nothing" traders get chopped up.

Jumping in and out on every utterance of the Fed. Way to go! Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics:

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Inflation alert! Inflation alert!

High inflaton reading in June. Used cars and trucks. Transitory? Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics:

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Stocks averages continue to break records daily.

The rise is more speculative than in the past, but it may get a new fundamental boost very soon. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics:

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Doctor Explains the Latest Vegan vs Keto Head to Head Study

 In my opinion the plant based diet won outright. The doctor says here that the keto diet might be better for diabetes, but I'm not certain if that's really true in the long run. He does make the good point, though, that both diets in the study used high quality food and did not contain highly processed foods, which can harm health when too many of them consumed. [embedded content]Doctor Explains the Latest Vegan vs Keto Head to Head StudyA plant based diet is good for the prevention of type...

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Alibaba Fires Up E-commerce War With Amazon Through 72-Hour Global Delivery:

I have also read that many Chinese companies are experimenting with direct the the public sales. Also, Shimano, the Japanese bike accessories manufacturer, is experimenting with direct to public sales too, but only with some replacement components, not complete systems. Direct to the public could cause small shops suffer, but the big shops, like Amazon and Walmart, have too much power and squeeze suppliers, so this might be good for the manufacturers. The internet makes direct to public...

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The Transatlantic Macroeconomic Divergence — Daniel Gros

Different economic conditions and priorities in the US and the eurozone are leading to divergent macroeconomic-policy approaches. While there is nothing shocking about this, there are potential longer-term effects that should not be underestimated....Project SyndicateThe Transatlantic Macroeconomic DivergenceDaniel Gros is a member of the board and a distinguished fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies

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Bill Mitchell — Investors lose out following the advice of New Keynesian (mainstream) macroeconomics

I have been doing a lot of talks over the last few years discussing Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) with financial professionals. I stress that I am not acting as a consultant, to allow this community to make more money. I often joke I hope they all go broke. My motivation is education and one hopes that these communities will spread our ideas through their own influential networks. The aim is to put pressure on the public policy makers to restore full employment and reorient the public...

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Targeted ads are one of the world’s most destructive trends. Here’s why, by Arwa Mahdawi

They have led to a proliferation of fake news and clickbait, fuelled surveillance capitalism and normalised pervasive tracking and data-mining. Then there’s their effect on democracy ...2019 article.  I remember when I was new to the internet I looked at some speakers and then after that there was speakers everywhere. It felt spooky, like big brother, when I realised how I was being watched. But personalised adverts are not better for anyone. They have turned the internet into a surveillance...

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Why Is The U.S. Lagging In Adopting Mobile Payments? — Pengfei Han and Zhu Wang

The U.S. is considered a global leader in payment services. Yet, the U.S. appears to lag some developing countries in adopting the latest mobile payment innovations. We show that previous card payment leaders such as the U.S. naturally tend to fall behind in mobile payment adoption. This can be explained by optimal choices of card payment users in such countries because the incremental improvement introduced by the current mobile payment technology does not justify the costs for them to...

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