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Mike Norman Economics

Russia stops buying gold.

Russia has halted official gold purchases. A sharp correction is likely. Invest and trade using the concepts and understandings of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial.

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How Eight Conglomerates Dominate Japanese Industry — Matt Jancer

“Chaebols”, large business groups controlled by founder families, are usually considered a crucial ingredient of South Korea’s economic miracle. But after a process of consolidation, big chaebol firms such as Hyundai established exclusive supply chains with suppliers of parts and components and began to engage in price squeezing and intellectual property extortion in bargaining with its suppliers.... ProMarket — The blog of the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of...

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Sputnik — China’s GDP Growth to Decline to 2.3% in Baseline Scenario in 2020 – World Bank

Forget about that crash the media was forecasting.SputnikChina's GDP Growth to Decline to 2.3% in Baseline Scenario in 2020 - World Bank also Bounceback? China on Tuesday said the official Purchasing Manager’s Index for March was 52.0, beating expectations for an economy hit by the coronavirus outbreak. Analysts polled by Reuters had expected the official PMI to come in at 45 for the month of March, from a record low of 35.7 a month earlier. CNBCChina says manufacturing activity...

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RT — Beijing won’t just ‘watch Huawei be slaughtered on the chopping board’, company chief warns US

China ready to fire back in the trade war? "The Chinese government will not just stand by and watch Huawei be slaughtered on the chopping board," Chairman Eric Xu told reporters at the launch of Huawei's annual report. "Why wouldn't the Chinese government ban the use of 5G chips or 5G chip-powered base stations, smartphones and other smart devices provided by American companies, for cybersecurity reasons?" Hmm. The chairman of Huawei may not speak for the Chinese government, but it is...

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