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Real-World Economics Review

TTIP 101 Briefing Part 2: Dean Baker, CEPR

TTIP 101 Briefing Part 1- Melinda St. Louis, Public Citizen The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) held an introductory briefing about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on March 17, also featuring Melinda St. Louis, Public Citizen, Celeste Drake, AFL-CIO & Karen Hansen-Kuhn, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. TTIP is a potential bilateral, far-reaching free trade agreement between the United States and the European Union. Negotiations have been ongoing...

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Dean Baker: Win, Lose, or Draw? The TPP and You

Renowned economist and author Dean Baker gave this talk about the implications of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) for our jobs, our communities, and the nation at large. Like any agreement, the TPP (if ratified by Congress) will create winners and losers. Weighing in at more than 2,700 pages, the 12-country pact isn't as much about "free trade" as it is about how -- and in whose in interest -- decisions about our economy, labor standards and the environment will be made. Baker is an...

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