MMT is mentioned, but the author buys into the criticism of MMT based on assuming central bank and Treasury consolidation, and he misses the key concept of Treasury issuance being a reserve drain in his criticism. He mentions Stephanie Kelton and gives a shout out to Scott Fullwiler, too. The post is also interesting as a look at popularized economics. Hughes cites an Izabella Kaminska post at FT Alphaville on MMT that is worth reading or re-reading as the case may be: Why MMT is like an autostereogram. Kaminska cites a previous post of hers, but the link is broken. Here it is: Yes Virginia, there really is Modern Monetary Theory. This later post has a couple of excellent quotes by Stephanie Kelton and Michael Hudson. The Market MogulEconomists in 2017: What Can They Agree On?
Mike Norman considers the following as important: MMT, Scott Fullwiler, Stephanie Kelton
This could be interesting, too:
MMT is mentioned, but the author buys into the criticism of MMT based on assuming central bank and Treasury consolidation, and he misses the key concept of Treasury issuance being a reserve drain in his criticism. He mentions Stephanie Kelton and gives a shout out to Scott Fullwiler, too. The post is also interesting as a look at popularized economics. Hughes cites an Izabella Kaminska post at FT Alphaville on MMT that is worth reading or re-reading as the case may be: Why MMT is like an autostereogram. Kaminska cites a previous post of hers, but the link is broken. Here it is: Yes Virginia, there really is Modern Monetary Theory. This later post has a couple of excellent quotes by Stephanie Kelton and Michael Hudson. The Market MogulEconomists in 2017: What Can They Agree On?
Mike Norman considers the following as important: MMT, Scott Fullwiler, Stephanie Kelton
This could be interesting, too:
Mike Norman writes Jared Bernstein, total idiot. You have to see this to believe it.
Steve Roth writes MMT and the Wealth of Nations, Revisited
Matias Vernengo writes On central bank independence, and Brazilian monetary policy
Michael Hudson writes International Trade and MMT with Keen, Hudson
Hughes cites an Izabella Kaminska post at FT Alphaville on MMT that is worth reading or re-reading as the case may be: Why MMT is like an autostereogram. Kaminska cites a previous post of hers, but the link is broken. Here it is: Yes Virginia, there really is Modern Monetary Theory. This later post has a couple of excellent quotes by Stephanie Kelton and Michael Hudson.