Tuesday , October 22 2024
Home / Mosler Economics / CPI, Restaurants and airlines, optimism index

CPI, Restaurants and airlines, optimism index

Gone flat since oil prices broke, and means that the strong nominal personal income growth becomes strong real income growth: Still negative but making a comeback even with the rate hikes:

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Gone flat since oil prices broke, and means that the strong nominal personal income growth becomes strong real income growth:

CPI, Restaurants and airlines, optimism index

CPI, Restaurants and airlines, optimism index

Still negative but making a comeback even with the rate hikes:

CPI, Restaurants and airlines, optimism index

Warren Mosler is an American economist and theorist, and one of the leading voices in the field of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Presently, Warren resides on St. Croix, in the US Virgin Islands, where he owns and operates Valance Co., Inc.

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