[unable to retrieve full-text content]On and on and on, for more than ninety mins, he driveled hatred, racism, and bigotry; sputtered treasonous proposals. They cheered every drivel and sputter. Rose enthusiastically to their feet time after time. Their adoration of their magus on full display to the world. Europe, all the free world, shuddered with the memories evoked; […] The post A Developed Taste appeared first on Angry Bear.
Read More »Constitutional Interregnum
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Sunday March 9th The “Constitutional Interregnum” – by New Deal democrat Is there anything that can be done with a President who has the support of 1/3+ one member of the Senate? Since he can’t be impeached and convicted, which requires 2/3’s of the Senate, and as of last July per the Supreme Court he is […] The post Constitutional Interregnum appeared first on Angry Bear.
Read More »Disaster Ready with this Republican Administration?
[unable to retrieve full-text content]I watched a Nova show titled: Baltimore Bridge Collapse It got me wondering: What Ifs? The specifics I mention regarding the bridge come from this show and this Wikipedia article. We have all been hearing and asking, “what if there is another pandemic”. With the personnel/financial cuts and head of agency changes the current Republican […] The post Disaster Ready with this Republican Administration? appeared first on Angry Bear.
Read More »Crypto capital of the world
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Trump posted on his pseudo-twitter site: “I will make sure the U.S. is the Crypto Capital of the World.” He announced something he calls a US crypto strategic reserve. What, exactly, is a crypto reserve? Look, I get it. Money is whatever people use as a medium of exchange and a store of value. And […] The post Crypto capital of the world appeared first on Angry Bear.
Read More »The Legacy
[unable to retrieve full-text content]America has set its life upon a cast and will now stand the hazard of the die. As of today, most likely, Trump’s legacy will be that he sold out the United States of America, Ukraine, Europe, and Taiwan for his own personal benefit, and perhaps a nineteenth-century fantasy. That his threats to annex Panama […] The post The Legacy appeared first on Angry Bear.
Read More »I Guess the Nursing Homes don’t care
[unable to retrieve full-text content]With all the focus on Medicaid, I have been wondering; why haven’t we heard from the long-term care industry? Surely they must be hearing about the potential cut of $880 billion within the Medicaid budget. Oh, and this is a minimum directive given to the committees of jurisdiction as noted in their 58 page budget […] The post I Guess the Nursing Homes don’t care appeared first on Angry Bear.
Read More »Knocking Back The UV
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Joel C. Eissenberg and Michael D. Eissenberg Institute for Thanksgiving Weekend’s Intriguing Standardized Tests (ITWIST) Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Abstract Ultraviolet (UV) light is a form of ionizing radiation prevalent on earth during daylight hours. UV light exposure in humans is a risk factor for skin cancer and cataracts. Accordingly, there has been considerable interest in […] The post Knocking Back The UV appeared first on Angry...
Read More »The long leading indicator of corporate profit growth stalled in Q3
[unable to retrieve full-text content]If you have been reading New Deal democrat all along, you will remember NDd’s commentary on October 23rd (the link is below) discussing the possible stall of corporate profits. Maybe it is an easy call and maybe not. There are negatives to corporate profits stalling. Read on . . . – by New Deal democrat […] The post The long leading indicator of corporate profit growth stalled in Q3 appeared first on Angry Bear.
Read More »A Complete Set of Subjective Probabilities, Bayes’ Formula, Overconfidence and Over-reaction to new information
[unable to retrieve full-text content]There is an approach to cognitive psychology and modelling beliefs and forecasts which is natural for economists and very misleading. The assumptions are that we have a complete set of subjective probabilities updated with Bayes’ formula, that for any possible combination of events we have a belief about the probability that they will occur and […] The post A Complete Set of Subjective Probabilities, Bayes’ Formula, Overconfidence...
Read More »Seafood says global warming is not a hoax
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Trump and his minions may not believe in global warming, but people whose livelihoods depend on understanding climate change—bankers, insurance companies and the military—know it’s real. So do non-humans whose livelihoods are compromised by climate change: “Native fish populations will likely continue their decline off of Massachusetts’ coast, while species from further south will move […] The post Seafood says global...
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