Andrew Sprung writes about the ACA. I read him quite often as his posts are expert analysis of the ACA and healthcare. Mostly recently this commentary was posted by Andrew on the benefits of getting a Bronze plan as opposed to a Gold plan if facing large out of pocket expenses (premiums + deductibles). “XPOSTFACTOID” Mostly about the ACA: Obamacare to Trumpcare. Bronze plans are terrible. Bronze plans are often the best choice. In discussion of the ACA...
Read More »Suprise Billing To Be Resolved in February 2020 to be Enacted in 2022
I had wondered why the Senate (Schumer) had backed off on legislation controlling surprise billing. It turns out there is a House bill also and I am sure they are going back and forth on this. Recently, two bills have emerged in the House and one from the Senate. Medscape, “House Committees Advance Bills to Address Surprise Billing.” Of course if Congress’s butt was on the line, a solution would have been found quickly and enacted in 2020. At the end, see...
Read More »Doctor Surprise Billing
This doctor is a bit much; but, he gets a point across which I have been making also. The issue(s) Dr. ZDogg is describing about what commercial healthcare insurance is doing, Medicare Advantage plans, hospitals, and now doctors are doing needs to be told over and over again. Schumer and the Senate have to release the portion of the House Budget bill that dealt with Surprise billing. [embedded content] ZDoggMD reacts to ridiculous medical bills, MedPage...
Read More »Does America Hate Its Children?
December 2012, Robert Reich wrote about America’s children . . . Remember the Children. “America’s children seem to be shortchanged on almost every issue we face as a society. Not only are we failing to protect our children from deranged people wielding semi-automatic guns. We’re not protecting them from poverty. The rate of child poverty keeps rising – even faster than the rate of adult poverty. We now have the highest rate of child poverty in...
Read More »VFW Demands Apology from Trump
for Downplaying Brain Injuries Suffered from Iranian Attack, CNN, Veronica Stracqualursi, January 2020 It is bad enough for trump to have evaded the draft multiple times giving heel spurs as a reason for doing so; but here we are and now, trump can tell us what is a serious injury and what is not. If he would just shut up, which will not happen, things might settle down. As it goes, anything to deflect and get the attention off of impeachment....
Read More »Thoughts and Feelings on cancer
I have begun to keep a daily journal on my thoughts and feelings in the lead-up to my diagnosis and treatment of cancer, a dedifferentiated lymphosarcoma in the groin area. Sharing these thoughts was not my first or second impulse until Bill encouraged me to keep notes of my progress and publish them (from the point of view on our medical system and the more personal journey in considering my own mortality and experience). I have a second surgery...
Read More »Rep Jayapal and Sen Sanders Have Introduced Medicare For All Bills: Part 2
Part 2 discusses why we must have the government issue payments to hospitals, clinics, etc. and also set the budgets for hospitals and this is how they are paid rather than billing multiple insurers and also patients. There is also only one payer. The later part is what I have been pounding on repeatedly. Forget prices and work with cost data. It is then we have a much clearer picture of the costs of healthcare and we can begin to control prices. Rep...
Read More »Rep Jayapal and Sen Sanders’ Have Introduced Medicare for All Bills: Part 1
I have exchanged emails with Kip Sullivan several times and believe he has the clearest explanation on Single Payer. I have found him to be a good source for the two Single Payer bills in Congress today. Unfortunately, it is a long explanation and it can not be summed up on one page or in the amount of time you would spend watching the news at 10 PM. To compensate for the length of the presentation, I have broken it down into two parts. I hope you take...
Read More »News and Words that Caught My Eye this Week
“Teacher of the Year‘ kneels during college football championship attended by Trump,”ABC News, January 16, 2020 During a ceremony honoring the 2019 “Teachers of the Year,” one in particular stood out. The honoree from Minnesota, Kelly Holstine, chose to kneel during the national anthem at the NCAA football championship game on Monday, where the ceremony took place, “to stand up for marginalized and oppressed people,” according to a tweet she wrote, which...
Read More »Coming for Your Coverage, Trump’s Plot Against Health Care Continues
Adapted from; “Trump’s Plot Against Health Care Continues, He is still coming for your coverage and lying about it.,NYT Opinion, Paul Krugman, January 13, 2019. Trump in a tweet: “Mini Mike Bloomberg is spending a lot of money on False Advertising. I was the person who saved Pre-Existing Conditions in your Healthcare, you have it now, while at the same time winning the fight to rid you of the expensive, unfair and very unpopular Individual Mandate…..” As...
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