This has been going on several years now and Angry Bear has been featuring Steve Hutkins from Save The Post Office and also former North Carolina Postmaster Mark Jamison. The battle goes on as big business through Louis DeJoy attempt to bring their vision of how a Post Office should be managed. The USPS is meant to go anywhere and everywhere mail needs to be delivered. It is not supposed to eliminate delivery to places farfetched and out of the way...
Read More »State Supreme Court Issues A Devastating Rebuke of the U.S. Supreme Court
As you read this Slate article, this is something I was also thinking about. How did SCOTUS arrive at its decision and what was the basis or history supporting its decision? SCOTUS was interpreting what they thought it should be. Thomas was telling judges to study the history of gun control before they arrive at a decision. The discussion centers around militia and right of individuals to bear arms. Read on . . . A State Supreme Court Just Issued...
Read More »What Judge Luttig’s Report Reveals
I listened to former Federal Judge Luttig’s last night. Luttig covers what SCOTUS may be intending to do with trump. Covers the DC Court of Appeals opinion. And the good judge has a few words of reprimand for prosecutor Hur and his random off-roading opinion of President Joe Biden which was not a part of his assignment. I dislike talking to prosecutors as their role is to break you down. In this case, Hur took advantage of his role. Hope you...
Read More »Betting it all on a Constitutional Loophole
Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern has posted a good commentary about Oregon politics, “Oregon Republicans bet it all on a constitutional loophole. They lost big-time.” The topic? What happens to in-office politicians who attempt to block legislation or function by not being in attendance. For some years, Oregon suffered from politicians who decided to just not show up or be in attendance. The effect of 10 or so of the Oregon State Senators not being...
Read More »Getting control of the border
The single most significant thing Republicans could do to reduce undocumented immigration is to require E-Verify for all hires and jail employers who don’t use it or who hire in spite of it. Why not use this?“At the same time, ordinary economic migrants could be most effectively dealt with via E-Verify. If you make it hard to hire undocumented workers, they’ll stop coming. The problem is that even immigration hawks tend to downplay this because it...
Read More »Something Fishy About This Supreme Court
This is a 100% Copy and Paste from Slate’s Jurisprudence Column which specializes in the Law and what is occurring in the courts. An importance piece today, being taken up by a SCOTUS intent on deconstructing what has been in place for decades rather than ruling on what is wrong with an agency decision. The outcome of which may disable Congressional designated departments from making decisions as determined by Congressional Acts. The court is...
Read More »Boeing 737 Max Plug Bolts not tightened to specification
Follow-up to “Why is Boeing such a shitty corporation?” Angry Bear, by Robert Reich Assebly Issue – Boeing 737 Max Plug Bolts not specifications. No defective parts, just defective assembly. As I said to Ron . . . “The same with cars. For example, Testing on vehicles such as smashing into a wall (commonly seen on TV) shoulda, woulda, etc. been done. Cabin pressurization? I would think testing was done on this item installed too? Is there a...
Read More »Former President Is ‘The Gravest Threat To Democracy We Have Seen’
Intro: People do many things to ensure their success in life. Once they are through with doing such, out comes the dirty laundry of when they were involved in doing such. This isn’t as though Ty Cobb was out of work and succumbed to taking whatever he could find to support family or life. It is obvious, he has little respect for trump and probably little respect for trump when representing him as a former White House attorney. The claim to fame...
Read More »The Sackler Family Can Act Today to Compensate Opioid Overdose Victims
More on what is going on with Purdue and the Sacklers. This is probably one of the sorriest events one could ever read about. The sales success of OxyContin was promulgated on it being nonaddictive. By taking a 1980 brief/letter reporting the results on the use of opioids in a HOSPITAL SETTING and deleting such setting, Purdue was able to magnify the sales of OxyContin a time release dose of an opioid. The sales gave the Sackler family the...
Read More »Zoom -Meeting with Purdue’s Sacklers
Before you read the NPR article, I “will” make a few comments. In no way did the Sacklers not know of the impact of the OxyContin. The sale of it as being non addictive was made up from the get-go of the product. Indeed, one larger than life promotion of OxyContin was done with the misuse of the Jick and Porter letter as taken from The New England Journal of Medicine. In 1980, Doctors Jick and Porter had written a “one-paragraph letter” that...
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