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Tag Archives: Medicaid

The Economics of Killing Medicaid . . .

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Perhaps, I am wrong? We have Trump and others deciding the livelihood of a nation’s population who have obviously walked a different path to success than those they are making decisions for today. In 2016, Trump first came to office as the Pres (in case you forgot). His taking office was the result of the […] The post The Economics of Killing Medicaid . . . appeared first on Angry Bear.

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Fear of Losing Medicaid and the ACA Healthcare When Trump Takes Office

[unable to retrieve full-text content]What state government were to do for their citizens they began doing in 2010 with the expansion of healthcare in the form of Medicaid. The 2010 Affordable Care Act encouraged states to expand Medicaid programs to cover more low-income Americans who did not get health insurance through their jobs. Forty states and the District of […] The post Fear of Losing Medicaid and the ACA Healthcare When Trump Takes Office appeared first on Angry Bear.

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Making Trump Tax Cuts Permanent has Medicaid the Top Target for Cuts

I did some rewriting on this particular commentary and added two charts from another commentary (at the bottom). The point being to give graphical depiction of the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and who it benefited the most. You can see (for whatever reason) why the Republican Party is pushing for this and taking it from Medicaid. You can also wonder why less wealthy Republicans making far less than the major beneficiaries are not up in...

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New Medicaid Rule Gives Hospitals Greater Market Power

Increasing profits far above actual costs. Think Medicare Advantage as compared to Medicare. Over the past 20 years, the prices of hospital services have grown faster than any other sector of the US economy. Unfortunately, the federal government recently issued a regulation intending to address underpayment of hospitals by Medicaid. However, the new rule could push hospital prices higher for 66 percent of the US population who have commercial...

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Medicaid Unwinding and Enrollment in Three Large Charts

An Updating of Medicaid disenrollments in the nation. Clicking on this tab – state data will take you to individual state numeric. Some states attack the issue of disenrollment with a relish even when the federal government is picking up most of the tab to enroll them. In the end, they will still show up at a hospital to be treated. Andrew Sprung and I exchanged a few comments the other day. My suggestion was to enroll people automatically into...

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Three ways 340B or Healthcare is failing vulnerable patients

340B: The Unintentional Hospital and Pharmacy Profit Stream That Was Supposed to Help Patients, PHrma.Org. What is 340B or Section 340B? As explained by the American Hospital Association, Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act requires pharmaceutical manufacturers participating in Medicaid to sell outpatient drugs at discounted prices to health care organizations. Those are the organizations caring for many uninsured and low-income...

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Medicaid Disenrollment in June is Three times Higher than May 31

As you may recall, Angry Bear has discussed Medicaid purges, why they are happening, and who are impacted by disenrollment. You can find our commentaries here, here, and here. Most recently . . . Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker, KFF, June 20, 2023 At least 1,514,000 Medicaid enrollees have been disenrolled as of June 22, 2023, based on the most current data from 25 states and the District of Columbia. Overall, 37% of people with a...

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The Great Medicaid Disenrollment, An Update

Angry Bear had written about the forthcoming state Medicaid-Purge the later part of May. The reason for the purge of many Medicaid enrollees was the ending of Joe Biden’s pandemic Medicaid enrollment program. It was a much needed program during the pandemic if one could not afford healthcare insurance and did not have Medicaid. Not being able to afford healthcare insurance was not the only gain from Medicaid. The extension of Medicaid postpartum care...

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The expanding role of Medicaid in US health care

Mostly taken from “The expanding role of Medicaid in US health care: A research roundup,, Kerry Dooley Young. May 2023.” I have added commentary to this report. I do have another report on Medicaid which I have to deep dive to make shorter sense of it. This report includes information going back to Obama’s introduction of the PPACA and the impact of it on Medicaid. It offers information to a reader which they may not be...

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ARP Medicaid Postpartum Coverage Expansion

I believe it was 2019 when I was asked to write on women’s healthcare issues. I was not asked because I was an expert. They were asking me because they wanted a male’s perspective on women’s healthcare issues. In particular, the topic was maternal healthcare and mortality. “A Woman’s Right to Safe Healthcare Outcomes” – Angry Bear ( My wife and I were fortunate to have three healthy children born to us. We did lose one birth...

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