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Tag Archives: social security

Social Security and Medicare: Fun with Numbers Time

I have added little to this commentary. Economist Dean Baker has taken a position on various aspects of the economy. A positive position which you will see many other commentaries trashing. We avoided one hell of a recession to date which would have been the equal to the 2008 collapse due to Wall Street’s addiction to gambling. You will not hear the news media promoting this. I will be posting more on this issue. Meanwhile, there exists a lot...

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Changing Social Security Sooner Rather Than Later, Avoiding a Shortfall

I was following the links in Dale’s latest commentary on Social Security and clicked in to see what Dale was discussing in his commentary. I was able to web capture the chart (below) which I believe accurately depicts what Dale is writing about in his commentary. The chart is a depiction of a one tenth of one percent increase yearly for the employer and the employee. There are other solutions to the short fall of Social Security funding. As...

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Dale Coberly discussing the latest news on Social Security. SOCIAL SECURITY, A BREAKTHROUGH? Dale Coberly For years I have been trying to inform people that the great big, huge horrible “Looming Trillion Dollar Unfunded Deficit” in Social Security could be fixed forever with a one tenth of one percent increase in the Social Security tax whenever the Trustees projected “short range financial inadequacy. This would amount to about a dollar per...

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Illegal immigration and Social Security/Medicare

In a previous post, I mentioned an effective way to curtail illegal immigration—require all employees to be screened through E-Verify—and some reasons why it won’t be adopted. Another disincentive to deterring illegal immigration is that it subsidizes Social Security and Medicare:“ . . . illegal immigrants as a group are net contributors who partially pay into the trust funds while receiving little in return, but amnesty would transform them into net...

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The Speaker of the House Battle

It amazes me how far some people, errrrr politicians will extend themselves for opportunity, power, influence in Congress. Maybe I should not be calling them people? Maybe that is not amazing? Most of start off with their bad manners and aggressions, then do not have to live with and by their own decisions, and expect people to forgive and forget. They are definitely not like us. I wish the charade would end. Rep. Tom Cole Nominates Jim Jordan as...

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No Free Lunch Ignoring Social Security’s Timely Cheap Fix Costs You

Dale Coberly Talks Social Security . . . For over ten years I have been telling anyone who would listen . . . about ten people . . . that the great “Looming Unfunded Twenty-Two Trillion Dollar Deficit! . . . stealing our children’s future,” reported in all the high-end news sources by all the high-end reporters, columnists, nonpartisan experts, serious people, and other liars turns out to be really, really small when you actually “do the...

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Social Security on Brink of Collapse, Dramatic Changes Coming – Some With ‘Bipartisan Support’

Dale Coberly: This is part 2 of a comment I began July 18 on Angry Bear.  It is a reply to an article appearing on the internet by Andrew Herrig at  under the title. “With Social Security on Brink of Collapse, Dramatic Changes Coming – Some With ‘Bipartisan Support,’” WEALTHY NICKEL, written by Andrew Herrig. The first part of my commentary noted that Herrig ignores that Social Security can fix itself simply by raising the...

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With Social Security on Brink of Collapse, Dramatic Changes Coming

Dear Reader Dale Coberly: Bill has asked me to comment on an article appearing on the internet at under the title With Social Security on Brink of Collapse, Dramatic Changes Coming – Some With ‘Bipartisan Support’ written by Andrew Herrig, who calls himself a finance expert and says his expert financial advice has been featured on CNBC, Entrepeneur,Fox News, GOBanking rates, MSN, and more. Herrig says Lawmakers have a...

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With Social Security on Brink of Collapse, Dramatic Changes Coming

Dear Reader Dale Coberly: Bill has asked me to comment on an article appearing on the internet at under the title With Social Security on Brink of Collapse, Dramatic Changes Coming – Some With ‘Bipartisan Support’ written by Andrew Herrig, who calls himself a finance expert and says his expert financial advice has been featured on CNBC, Entrepeneur,Fox News, GOBanking rates, MSN, and more. Herrig says Lawmakers have a...

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How to Save Social Security . . . Investors Version

I am seeing numerous articles on Social Security as of late. How to save it from running a deficit. Is this really, what this is about? Even though, the nation has almost always run a deficit except during Clinton(?). There are different ways in which Social Security can be funded. As one finance expert proclaimed, print more money to fund it or MMT theory. As long as the dollar is in demand globally, we are safe. Another possibility is to open...

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