by Dale Coberly No. It’s not. Here is why. The argument for ending the tax on Social Security benefits seems to be that “it is a tax on a tax”, double taxing, and not fair. Even the good guys believe this. But they are wrong. Consider, You pay income taxes on your ordinary income. Then you may take your after tax income and put some of it in a savings account which earns interest. Then you pay income tax on the interest you earn. ...
Read More »No, Medicare is not running out of money
There are issues with Medicare which are easily fixed. Maggie Mahar was writing on healthcare at Angry Bear. I did the editing. I picked up on the issues with her on healthcare and have portrayed writers such as Merrill, Kip Sullivan, Charles Gaba, Steve Early, Susan Gordon, Andrew Sprung, etc. There are issues with healthcare such as cost. Then there are make believe issues such as Medicare being in trouble. The same is true of Social...
Read More »Republican Budget Cuts Earned Benefits; Keeps Trump Tax Cuts
Angry Bears’ Social Security expert Dale Coberly emailed this to me about the same time it showed up in my inbox. Republicans again are trying to sell the public on the need to cut Social Security and Medicare Budgets for those over 65. Cutting them while keeping the Trump tax breaks which will result in a $2 trillion deficit by the time Reconciliation measures end in 2025. The cuts makes no sense as both programs are far more efficient and effect...
Read More »Social Security: What Would Happen If the Trust Funds Ran Out?
A repost of a Bruce Webb take on Social Security and what happens if the Trust Funds go to zero. This is from 2015 and as you know, not much has been done. In one respect, maybe nothing should be done as long as it does not become a major crisis. By that I mean, we should be sure our actions are not over-zealous in solution. Do enough to stabilize it for the future as Dale Coberly and Bruce Webb proposed with the Northwest Plan. The timely is now...
Read More »Fixing Social Security
If nothing is done, the Social Security Trust Fund is currently projected to run out in about 2033. At that point, projected benefits will fall by about 20%.The Boston Globe has an opinion piece about the coming Social Security crisis/crunch. It talks about how Canada deals with the problem. I have a subscription and so don’t know if the link below is paywalled, but here are the nut grafs:“Mechanically it works as follows. Every three years, Canada’s...
Read More »Social Security Privatization: a Crapo Proposal Redux
Some schemes never see to go away on Saving Private Social Security when in reality Public Citizen Social Security still works, needs no major saving, would take little to fix it, and far short of MMT. Taken from a 2006 commentary on Angry Bear by “Admin” at the time. I was not here at the time and maybe one of the oldsters can offer up a name. As I read this, what Crapo and the rest of the hooligans are proposing is an exercise in accounting....
Read More »Struggling to Boost Chile’s Meager Pensions
Gabriel Boric Is Struggling to Boost Chile’s Meager Pensions, Jacobin, Phineas Ruekert. Dale Coberly on Social Security: Not so long ago (2003) the Liars who want to destroy Social Security in America were bragging about the privatized pension system adopted by Chile. Many of those liars commented on my posts on AB. Here is an update. This is what Chile’s great privatized pension system looks like today. Jacobin’s Phineas Rueckert: Zuñiga is...
Read More »Social Security has Nothing to Do with Debt or Deficits
Dale Coberly lead-in to his discussion on Social Security is something which has been debated back and forth by politicians, those who wish to cut it, those who seek to end it, and those who have done all of the above such as Andrew Biggs. Social Security for the today’s elderly and those who will retire in the future can be fixed rather inexpensively. Dale, Bruce, and Arne etc. have argued the points extensively on Angry Bear. Dale has given me...
Read More »Dems Slam Social Security Board Nominee Over History of Supporting Benefit Cuts
Andrew Biggs knows small incremental increases in SS withholding would resolve any shortfall. The plan presented by Dale Coberly is such and it was agreed up by the Social Security administration as workable. This has been a long running back and forth with Andrew Biggs whose only plan is cuts in Social Security and its demise. Dale and Bruce held a back and forth with Andrew Biggs here: Notes on Social Security Reform: Responding to Angry Bear:...
Read More »Housing Expenditures Impact on Social Security Beneficiaries, 2005 – 2018
I was looking for a report through 2022 on housing. This was the best I could do. Maybe later? The report is about households with or without SS beneficiaries who are renting, homeowners with mortgages, and homeowners without mortgages. The study is looking at the cost impact in each category for those households with SS beneficiaries as compared to those households with no beneficiaries. Kind of dry; but, it gets the point across. Research...
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