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Tag Archives: Sraffa

A delightful read

 Recensione su Brave New Europe Grazie Mat! Heterodox Challenges in Economics by Sergio Cesaratto February 24, 2021  Book Review by Mathew D. Rose I never thought that I would describe an economics book as “a delightful read”, but “Heterodox Challenges in Economics” by Sergio Cesaratto is exactly that. It is well written, often entertaining and humorous, and explains a great deal about political economy, which is then applied in an analysis of the...

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60 Years of Sraffa’s Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities/ROKE Webinar

Tomorrow we will talk about this book that is the Rosetta Stone of the history of economic ideas (read post 6 below for more on that). I'm happy to have a great panel to discuss it. In the meantime below 7 previous posts on Sraffa's contributions to economics, which might be helpful for some.Sraffa and the Marshallian System Sraffa, Marx and the Labor Theory of Value (LTV) Sraffa, Ricardo and Marx The Standard Commodity and the LTV The Capital Debates Microfoundations of Macroeconomics...

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Una lunga intervista

Intervista, mi sembra ben riuscita, su letture.orgProf. Sergio Cesaratto, Lei è autore del libro Sei lezioni di economia. Conoscenze necessarie per capire la crisi più lunga (e come uscirne) edito da Diarkos: in che modo la teoria economica può aiutarci a spiegare la crisi europea e dell’euro, e il declino del nostro Paese?  La prima edizione delle Sei lezioni ha avuto un buon successo perché mostra come esistano diverse teorie economiche le quali ci portano a diverse visioni di...

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Surplus approach and economic anthropology. Un nuovo WP

Heterodox economics and economic anthropology: reflections prompted by two books Working paper N. 807 Luglio 2019 Sergio Cesaratto DEPS, USienaAbstract This paper has been long ago inspired by Jared Diamond (1997) and, in particular, by his extensive use of the concept of economic surplus as the key to the development of civilization. Unfortunately, Diamond does not even mention the origin of the concept in classical and pre-classical economics. Moreover, Diamond does not pay...

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Why do we need a theory of value?

The theory of value and distribution is at the heart of economics. To be clear, when I say that it is at the center, it means that discussions of almost any topic in economics, in one way or another, depend on a certain theoretical position about the theory of value and distribution. However, most economists have no clue about it, about the centrality of value. Not only they don't understand the original and now infamous labor theory of value (LTV), that dominated between Petty and Ricardo...

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Un giudizio globale

Pubblichiamo intervista apparsa su Osservatorio globalizzazione Professor Sergio Cesaratto, ordinario nel Dipartimento di Economia Politica e statistica dell’Università degli Studi di Siena, da sempre economista eterodosso e ormai punto di riferimento della divulgazione dell’economia classica in Italia. Ha recentemente pubblicato due importanti libri che hanno avuto molto successo: Chi non rispetta le regole? del 2018 e Sei lezioni di Economia del 2016, dimostrandosi ancora una volta...

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