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Tag Archives: Uncategorized

European (un)employment in times of Corona: hard won gains down the drains

. Eurostat has recently published new data on EU unemployment. It’s going down again. Which seems good. But there is more to this than meets the eye. To be counted as ‘unemployed’ one has to have no ‘gainful employment’ and to be actively seeking for a job. People who give up seeking are not counted as unemployed. Neither are people leaving the labor market. And people are giving up seeking as well as leaving the labor market… Eurostat has engineered a ‘dashboard’ which maps the...

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National Policy Space: Reframing the Political Economy of Globalization and its Implications for National Sovereignty and Democracy

This paper critiques the trilemma framing of the political economy of globalization, and offers an alternative framing rooted in the construct of national policy space. Globalization causes changes in policy space which have drop-down implications for national sovereignty and democratic politics. Globalization involves choices regarding the “degree”, “type”, and “dimensions” of international economic integration. Contrary […]

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Why partisanship will increase in the Post-Trump Era

from Mark Weisbrot There is a gigantic and increasingly unbridgeable divide on economic policy. Many are hoping that when Trump — one of the most divisive US presidents in the past century or more — leaves office, the historically elevated levels of partisanship in US politics will at least begin to subside. But the opposite is vastly more likely. There are short- and intermediate-run, as well as long-run, reasons for this result that have little to do with the Trump phenomenon. Most...

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Why do we need pluralism in times of disruption? A practical guide

from Asad Zaman Today we are going through a period of disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic that impacts us individually and collectively in an unprecedented manner. Because we see how interconnected we are, the sense of unity, solidarity in time of crisis is necessary. So why bother with pluralism in the first place? Introductory remarks about pluralism and the new normal We are currently in an unprecedented moment in human history. Although humanity went through several pandemics and...

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Μύθοι Χρηματιστικοποίησης (‘Finansallaşma Mitleri’) – Turan Subaşat & Stavros Mavroudeas

Finansallaşma Mitleri – Turan Subaşat, Stavros Mavroudeas[embedded content] Στο τεύχος νο.121 του τουρκικού οικονομικού περιοδικού İktisat ve Toplum Dergisi (Εφημερίδα Οικονομίας & Κοινωνίας) δημοσιεύθηκε άρθρο των Turan Subasat & Stavros Mavroudeas με τίτλο Finansallaşma Mitleri («Μύθοι Χρηματιστικοποίησης»). Το άρθρο αυτό αντικρούει, με βάση εμπειρικά στοιχεία, μερικές από τις βασικές εμπειρικές πεποιθήσεις της Υπόθεσης περί Χρηματιστικοποίησης – η οποία έχει αποκτήσει...

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NAIRU — closer to religion than science

from Lars Syll Once we see how weak the foundations for the natural rate of unemployment are, other arguments for pursuing rates of unemployment economists once thought impossible become more clear. Wages can increase at the expense of corporate profits without causing inflation … The harder we push on improving output and employment, the more we learn how much we can achieve on those two fronts. That hopeful idea is the polar opposite of a natural, unalterable rate of unemployment. And...

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Το video της διαδικτυακής ημερίδας για τα 200 χρόνια από την γέννηση του Engels, 28-11-2020

ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ για τα 200 χρόνια από την γέννηση του F.Engels «O Engels ως κριτικός του καπιταλισμού και θεωρητικός της επανάστασης» Διοργάνωση: ΤΕΤΡΑΔΙΑ ΜΑΡΞΙΣΜΟΥ, ε-ΚΡΙΣΗ 28/11/2020 Ομιλητές: Κ.Πασσάς (ερευνητής ΚΕΠΕ), «Ξαναδιαβάζοντας τον Ένγκελς» Α.Χρύσης (καθηγητής, Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο), «Ο ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΟΣ ENGELS. Ο «Στρατηγός» και η πολιτική» Στ.Μαυρουδέας (καθηγητής, Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο), «Ο Engels συνιδρυτής του Μαρξισμού και οι απόπειρες αντιπαράθεσεις του στον Marx»...

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Corporate power and the future of U.S. capitalism

from Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan Corporate power in the United States has risen to unprecedented levels, but the rate at which this power has grown is decelerating. Both facts have important implications for the future of U.S. capitalism. According to the theory of capital as power (or CasP for short), the quest for capitalized power – and for more and more of it – is the key driving force of modern capitalism. Capitalists, CasP argues, particularly dominant ones, judge their...

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