How Trump Killed The Anti-Government Protests In Iran By very strongly and publicly supporting them and dragging the matter to the UN Security Council Of course, his supporters have been praising his “strong action” in comparison with Obama’s quiet approach to the 2009 demonstrations, meant to reduce accusations of the demonstraters being US pawns. Those demos went on a long time with large numbers eventually killed. In this case, Trump has made the...
Read More »“In the Beginning…Was the Unit of Account” – Twelve Myths About Money
by Steven Roth “In the Beginning…Was the Unit of Account” – Twelve Myths About Money November 19th, 2017 Jan Kregel presented a great dinner speech at the recent Modern Monetary Theory Conference, touching on some of the fundamental ways we think about money and economics. (Sorry, no recording or transcript available.) I had a brief conversation with him afterwards, and we followed up with a few emails. The quotation in the title of this post is...
Read More »Where is the money going?
Devin Smioth at New Economic Perspective points us to ‘where does the money go?”: After President Trump signed the GOP tax plan into law, some of the bill’s corporate beneficiaries have offered workers minor bonuses. But NEP’s Bill Black says they’re keeping most of the money for themselves — and starting a new global race to the bottom for corporate taxes. You can view here with a transcript. [embedded content] ...
Read More »December jobs report: late cycle mediocre growth reasserts itself
December jobs report: late cycle mediocre growth reasserts itself HEADLINES: +143,000 jobs added U3 unemployment rate unchanged at 4.1% U6 underemployment rate rose +0.1% from 8.0% to 8.1% Here are the headlines on wages and the chronic heightened underemployment: Wages and participation rates Not in Labor Force, but Want a Job Now: rose +43,000 from 5.265 million to 5.308 million Part time for economic reasons: rose +64,000 from 4.851 million to 4.915...
Read More »Trump celebrates his (very expensive) tax cuts for himself and his rich golfing buddies
Trump celebrates his (very expensive) tax cuts for himself and his rich golfing buddies Remember how Trump sold the Republicans’ $1.5 trillion-deficit-creating tax cut plan as a boon for the middle class that was going to create jobs and raise wages? That was in September, when he told congressional lawmakers at the White House that “The rich will not be gaining at all with this plan.” See Washington Examiner (Sept. 13, 2017). Let me repeat that: ...
Read More »Insanely Concentrated Wealth Is Strangling Our Prosperity
By Steve Roth (originally published at Evonomics) Today’s mountains of wealth throttle the very engine of wealth creation itself. Insanely Concentrated Wealth Is Strangling Our Prosperity Remember Smaug the dragon, in The Hobbit? He hoarded up a vast pile of wealth, and then he just hung out in his cave, sitting on it (with occasional forays to further pillage and immolate the local populace). That’s what you should think of when you consider the...
Read More »Does Iran Have A “Poland Problem”?
Does Iran Have A “Poland Problem”? Maybe somewhat, but not as much as Poland does, with a “Poland problem” being where a well performing economy does not prevent political unhappiness. Iran is experiencing massive demonstrations that are heavily driven by economic complaints, even though economic performance has improved since the adoption and approval of the JCPOA nuclear deal. Prior to that, in the face of economic sanctions, the Iranian economy was...
Read More »Manufacturing employment and productivity growth
This National Bureau of Economic research paper is behind a paywall, but the premise is up for discussion: This Paper challenges two widely held views: first that trade performance has been the primary reason for the declining share of manufacturing employment in the United States and other industrial economies, and second that recent productivity growth in manufacturing has actually been quite rapid but is not accurately measured. The paper shows that...
Read More »Worthwhile following this thread
Via Robert Waldmann via Paul Krugman: The central fact of U.S. political economy, the source of our exceptionalism, is that lower-income whites vote for politicians who redistribute income upward and weaken the safety net because they think the welfare state is for nonwhites to Noah’s opinion : A few people have noticed me tweeting a lot more about racial/cultural issues in the last two years, and less about the nuts and bolts of economics. Well, let...
Read More »Democracy. Capitalism. Socialism. Choose Any Three of the Above
By Steve Roth (from 2016 October 2) In the millennias-long evolution of human societies and economic systems, we find ourselves today at a pass where three systems predominate, and fitfully cohabit: democracy, capitalism, and socialism. Most countries in the world operate with large doses of all three. Given that, it might seem odd that there are so many loud and prominent political voices who talk about eradicating one or more of the three. These...
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