Along with getting paid what you are worth is the story, you need a college degree in order to get paid more. That is kind of true if you complete higher education in a field which pays more. What if you do not pick the right field and you are burdened with debt? Your pay is low and it may take a decade, or two or even three to dump the student loan. And if you do not get a degree? Some education “may” be better than no education. The pay may be...
Read More »Environment and the Policy Changes Impacting It, Mother Earth, and Us
A grouping of eclectic topics spread across various subtitles supposedly giving them some organization. These show up in my In-Box and I leave them their till I clean up the collection Energy and Business A Beginner’s Guide to Plastic-Free Living,, Katherine Martinko. “You need to write a step-by-step guide to giving up plastic.” Electric Vehicles Have a Public-Charging Problem, The Atlantic, Patrick George. Driving from...
Read More »Fee For Service versus Fee For Value Healthcare
The following definitions I found in the article “What Kaiser’s Acquisition of Geisinger Means For Us All,” Forbes, Robert Pearl M.D. May 31, 2023 There are a couple of terms within the article which I would like to point out. Fee For Service and Fee For Value. For clarity, Traditional Medicare uses Fee For Service methodology and Medicare Advantage uses Fee For Value methodology. The following paragraphs were pulled from the Forbes article...
Read More »The U.S. Needs to Reimagine Its Pharma Supply Chain
I agree with the author’s reasoning for domestic supply manufacturing. I have battled the issues with pharma, medical supply, and also food manufacturing. Batches are problematic as well as the USDA and FDA labeling requirements. You wait for approvals. As of August 2019, 28 percent of the manufacturing facilities producing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs – drug substances formulated into tablets, capsules, and injections) to supply the...
Read More »The debt limit denouement
The deal is much better than I expected for Democrats, and much worse for Republicans (preliminary summaries by Dayen and Stein). Of course, the whole thing was destructive and pointless and the deal is bad in the way one would expect – it includes work requirements for some food stamp and TANF recipients. On the plus side, these requirements are crafted to limit the number of people affected while letting the Republicans claim a “win”. Over the...
Read More »‘Tax the Ultra-Rich and Do It Now’
Two articles here, each on the same topic about extreme wealth going untaxed or taxed less than those in lower income brackets. The first story is about a letter sent to World Economic attendees sent by a bunch of millionaires. The second story is about historian and correspondent Rutger Bregman having a moment at Devos in 2019. Rutger claims he delivered a blast about taxes. If you listen to the clip, it sounds like he had a conversation with them....
Read More »14th Amendment, Debt Ceiling & Perpetual Bonds
When I read this (third article below), I thought of an earlier commentary by one of our peer-reviewed economists. This is what Robert Waldman had to say: “Investors are glad to pay the Treasury to keep their wealth safe. Now consider the US Federal Government intertemporal budget constraint — the present value of spending must be less than or equal to the present value of revenue. What is the present value of revenue ? It is calculated by...
Read More »Where Do Eight Billion People Live?
SWP Report 2023 | United Nations Population Fund, In November 2022, the world population eclipsed 8 billion people. For many of us, it represents a milestone the human family should celebrate. A milestone of people living longer, healthier lives, and enjoying more rights and greater choices than ever before. If you have not noticed India eclipsed China in population. At the bottom of the chart, each area of Earth is color coded to...
Read More »Debt
To be clear, our national debt problem is due to revenues insufficient to cover expenditures. More than anything else, for the past 40 plus years, this accumulated deficit is due to Republican opposition to tax increases coupled with their eagerness to cut taxes on the wealthy given the opportunity to do so. Most, if indeed not all, currently serving Republican US Senators and Representatives, and State legislators have signed a pledge to never vote...
Read More »What type is your Aluminum and From What is It Derived
Llyod Alter formerly of Treehugger was the one I would always read on Treehugger. I would say this goes back a couple of decades. I was writing my stuff in the comments section of Slate’s Moneybox or The Best of the Fray. Somehow Treehugger became associated with Slate and I picked up on them and Lloyd. In a most unceremonious way Lloyd was riffed out of Treehugger after many years. For all of his years at Treehugger Lloyd was let go in a rather...
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