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The Angry Bear

Vaccinating Big Bird, Children, and Giving Adults a Choice to Vaccinate

Sesame Street’s Big Bird Gets a Covid Vaccination After Sesame Street’s Big Bird tweeted that he received the COVID-19 vaccine, Sen. Ted Cruz and other right-wing media figures criticized the character for promoting “propaganda” to children. Sesame Street launched a promotional campaign during the past week after the COVID-19 vaccine was authorized for ages 5-11, according to Insider. Big Bird@BigBird I got the COVID-19 vaccine today!...

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Anti-Racism and Democracy in Our Schools

Anti-Racism and Democracy in Our Schools  It’s generally conceded that Terry McAuliffe’s statement “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach” was a big blunder that contributed to his defeat last week.  The context was a debate with his Republican opponent, Glenn Youngkin, who had used his party’s playbook on Critical Race Theory and the “leftist” takeover of education.  Not surprisingly, Youngkin hammered McAuliffe...

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Anti-Racism and Democracy in Our Schools

Anti-Racism and Democracy in Our Schools  It’s generally conceded that Terry McAuliffe’s statement “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach” was a big blunder that contributed to his defeat last week.  The context was a debate with his Republican opponent, Glenn Youngkin, who had used his party’s playbook on Critical Race Theory and the “leftist” takeover of education.  Not surprisingly, Youngkin hammered McAuliffe...

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Lowest Gasoline supplies since November 2017, Production above prepandemic levels

Focus on Fracking: gasoline supplies lowest since November 2017 despite​ gasoline production above prepandemic levels; Focus on Fracking, Commenter and Blogger RJS US oil data from the US Energy Information Administration for the week ending October 29th indicated that after a modest increase in our oil production and only minor changes to our oil imports, our oil exports, and our refining, we had surplus oil to add to our stored commercial crude...

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Lowest Gasoline supplies since November 2017, Production above prepandemic levels

Focus on Fracking: gasoline supplies lowest since November 2017 despite​ gasoline production above prepandemic levels; Focus on Fracking, Commenter and Blogger RJS US oil data from the US Energy Information Administration for the week ending October 29th indicated that after a modest increase in our oil production and only minor changes to our oil imports, our oil exports, and our refining, we had surplus oil to add to our stored commercial crude...

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Marine Corps treating people like human beings instead of Inventory?

Kind of a surprising take on a potentially new Corps being touted in “The Hill” article. The Corps announces a new plan signaling changes to recruitment and retention by targeting individual talents rather than gathering volumes of younger personnel, who are very trainable, training them in an MOS, and making them fit the model of a Marine. I had a promise of a pretty good career if I stayed and re-enlisted. College, OCS, a good MOS, and a chance...

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Marine Corps treating people like human beings instead of Inventory?

Kind of a surprising take on a potentially new Corps being touted in “The Hill” article. The Corps announces a new plan signaling changes to recruitment and retention by targeting individual talents rather than gathering volumes of younger personnel, who are very trainable, training them in an MOS, and making them fit the model of a Marine. I had a promise of a pretty good career if I stayed and re-enlisted. College, OCS, a good MOS, and a chance...

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Teach Your Children Well*

Appears that Parents’ Rights is the Republican Party’s latest wedge issue. My how they do love wedge issues. And, this one goes so well with their States Rights. Lot in common, the two. States’ Rights allowed a state to keep doing the same old. Parents’ Rights give parents the right to appropriate their child’s life. Or, do they? What about Children’s Rights? When does the child’s thoughts, life, become their own? For some parents, that would...

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Teach Your Children Well*

Appears that Parents’ Rights is the Republican Party’s latest wedge issue. My how they do love wedge issues. And, this one goes so well with their States Rights. Lot in common, the two. States’ Rights allowed a state to keep doing the same old. Parents’ Rights give parents the right to appropriate their child’s life. Or, do they? What about Children’s Rights? When does the child’s thoughts, life, become their own? For some parents, that would...

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Jobs, Trade Deficit, Construction Spend, and Factory Inventory Reports

MarketWatch 666: Commenter and Blogger RJS; October’s jobs report; September’s trade deficit, construction spending, and factory inventories, et al Major economic reports that were released the past week included the Employment Situation Summary for October from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and three September reports that included metrics which were either estimated or included in last week’s release of 3rd quarter GDP: the Commerce Dept...

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