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The Angry Bear

850,000 Jobs Added in June, U-3 Rises to 5.9%

June’s jobs report, Marketwatch 666, Commenter RJS This week’s major agency issued economic releases included the Employment Situation Summary for June from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and three May reports that will input into 2nd quarter GDP: the BEA’s report on International Trade for May, the May report on  Construction Spending and the Full Report on Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories and Orders for May, both from the Census Bureau . ....

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Next Challenge to the PPACA?

This lengthy post deserves an introduction so I thought I would do one. We have been through several constitutional tests on the legitimacy of the PPACA. In each case and also in a congressional vote, the Republicans have failed to disenfranchise US citizens on healthcare. The next issue being brought to the forefront is just as divisive and has the backing of five right-leaning justices. It remains to be seen if they can be successful. There is...

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For Independence Day

For Independence Day The Declaration of Independence, 1776: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes...

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Socially Ambivalent Labour Time II: Theories of Surplus Value, chapter four

Socially Ambivalent Labour Time II: Theories of Surplus Value, chapter four In chapter four of TSV, Marx discusses two (or possibly three?) aspects of socially necessary labour time: the devaluation of labour and commodities produced under less efficient methods, and the fall in value of commodities when more have been produced than there is demand for. Note that pursuit of greater efficiency through economies of scale (see underlining) risks...

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Top 100 Economics Blogs & Websites To Follow in 2021

Top 100 Economics Blogs & Websites To Follow in 2021 Feedspot has a team of over 25 experts whose goal is to discover and rank popular blogs, podcasts, and youtube channels in several niche categories. With millions of blogs on the web, finding influential bloggers in a niche industry is a hard problem to address. Our experience leads us to believe that a thoughtful combination of both algorithmic and human editing offers the best means of...

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Construction Spending Falls 0.3% in May after March and April Spending Revised

Construction Spending Falls 0.3% in May after March & April Spending Revised Higher, Commenter RJS, Marketwatch 666 The Census Bureau report on construction spending for May (pdf) estimated that May’s seasonally adjusted construction spending would work out to $1,545.3 billion annually if extrapolated over an entire year, which was 0.3 percent (±1.0 percent)* below the revised annualized estimate of $1,549.5 billion of construction spending in...

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June data starts out mixed: manufacturing strong, housing stalls

June data starts out mixed: manufacturing strong, housing stalls, New Deal democrat June data started out this morning with the ISM manufacturing report. There was no big change from last month’s torrid pace. The overall index declined a very slight -0.6% to 60.6, while the leading new orders component declined by 1 to 66:Any number over 60 implies a very strong economy, so this report indicates that the manufacturing sector is still red hot....

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June jobs report: a tale of two very different surveys – but both far from full recovery

June jobs report: a tale of two very different surveys – but both far from full recovery  HEADLINES: 850,000 jobs added. Of these, 662,000 were private sector jobs, and 188,000 were government jobs, chiefly in education. The alternate, and more volatile measure in the household report indicated a gain of only 128,000 jobs, which factors into the unemployment and underemployment rates below.The total number of employed is still 6,764,000, or...

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On the Farm – Agricultural Economics – Carbon Capture

Farmer-economist Michael Smith comments from More Random News Events of the Week post ________ My comment on the open thread, “what exactly does the federal government plan to do this is a little mind boggling. The USDA is limited in the resources they have. They can provide grants but it would need congress to fund it.” A few things I am working through in the consideration of carbon capture: 1. How much is enough? My operation requires...

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Benghazi People Vs The January 6 Committee

Gotta give credit where credit is due. If not for my morning readings at other sites, I would not have run across this gem at Crooks and Liars as done by Chris capper Liebenthal. This gentleman, ahh redneck, paints the situation a bit differently than what I or other more learned (than I) people might do having a tendency to speak in elegant, technical, and formal verbiage. It is said plain and simple in this case. Now if you can not stand a few...

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