Hidden Markov Models and Bayes Theorem for dummies [embedded content]
Read More »Beyond probabilism
“Getting philosophical” is not about articulating rarified concepts divorced from statistical practice. It is to provide tools to avoid obfuscating the terms and issues being bandied about … Do I hear a protest? “There is nothing philosophical about our criticism of statistical significance tests (someone might say). The problem is that a small P-value is invariably, and erroneously, interpreted as giving a small probability to the null hypothesis.” Really? P-values are not...
Read More »Finland’s Universal Basic Income experiment — an evaluation
Finland’s Universal Basic Income experiment — an evaluation [embedded content] Results on the first year of the Finnish UBI experiment will become available in a couple of months, and a final report — covering the whole two-year time-span — is scheduled for publication in 2020.
Read More »Freiheit ist immer Freiheit der Andersdenkenden
Freiheit ist immer Freiheit der Andersdenkenden [embedded content] Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919)
Read More »Och de döda skall icke tiga men tala
Och de döda skall icke tiga men tala Till Fadime Sahindal, född 2 april 1975 i Turkiet, mördad 21 januari 2002 i Sverige I Sverige har vi länge okritiskt omhuldat en ospecificerad och odefinierad mångkulturalism. Om vi med mångkulturalism menar att det i vårt samhälle finns flera olika kulturer, ställer detta inte till med problem. Då är vi alla mångkulturalister. Men om vi med mångkulturalism menar att det med kulturell tillhörighet och identitet också...
Read More »Svensk skollag — ett skämt
Svensk skollag — ett skämt När Carina lyfte ut en störande elev ur klassrummet anmäldes hon av föräldrarna. Både Skolinspektionen och polisen kom fram till att hon handlat korrekt. Ändå krävdes hennes arbetsgivare på böter för kränkning av eleven. Och själv kände hon sig pressad att sluta sin anställning. Lärare har rätt att rent fysiskt tillrättavisa störande elever. Men de som gör det, och blir anmälda, riskerar sitt jobb … I september 2018, nästan ett år...
Read More »Knut Wicksell — le origini della Teoria Monetaria Moderna
Knut Wicksell — le origini della Teoria Monetaria Moderna Molti economisti mainstream sembrano pensare che l’idea alla base della Teoria Monetaria Moderna sia nuova e nasca da strane idee economiche. Nuova? Strane idee? Che ne diciamo di leggere uno dei grandi fondatori dell’economia neoclassica – Knut Wicksell. Questo è ciò che Wicksell scrisse nel 1898 sui “sistemi di puro credito” in Interesse Monetario e Prezzi dei Beni (Geldzins und Güterpreise), 1936...
Read More »Funeral Blues
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone. Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling in the sky the message He is Dead, Put crêpe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest My noon, my midnight, my...
Read More »Eres Tú
[embedded content] Eres tú Como el agua de mi fuente Eres tú El fuego de mi hogar (Eres tú) Algo así eres tú (Como el fuego de mi hoguera) Algo así como el fuego de mi hoguera (Eres tú) Algo así eres tú (El trigo de mi pan) Mi vida algo así eres tú
Read More »A hundred years ago
A hundred years ago The treaty includes no provisions for the economic rehabilitation of Europe — nothing to make the defeated Central Empires into good neighbours, nothing to stabilize the new states of Europe … The Council of Four paid no attention to these issues … Reparation was their main excursion into the economic field, and they settled it as a problem of theology, of politics, of electoral chicane, from every point of view except that of the...
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