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Mike Norman Economics

Jonathan Jarry M.Sc.-The Doomsday Prophecy of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

A Belgian virus expert has scared the Internet by claiming the COVID-19 vaccines will doom humanity. No need to panicNo need to worry about leaky vaccines - the virus mutates faster in unvaccinated people.The COVID-19 pandemic has attracted a swarm of vocal contrarians like little else in the recent past. These public commentators, often bedazzled with advanced degrees, have painted themselves as brave mavericks escaping from the mainstream herd to denounce the cataclysmic consequences of...

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Toyota to reduce production by 40%

Ok that’s not 4% that is FORTY … 4-0 … percent.Ok so let me get this straight… the worlds largest automotive production firm is imminently going to reduce production by 40% (again that is not 4% that is 4-0 percent)  and the inflationistas think the Fed should (to them)  “reduce accommodation!” because things are going too well?  The party is getting so out of bounds the Fed will have to “take away the punch bowl!” ?  Are they insane?Toyota could care less what interest rates are they don’t...

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RT – Bitcoin’s Blockchain Might Be Alive

 I don't have many fears, just going up high ladders and AI. According to research published in the journal Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, blockchain technology might already be alive. Of course, not in the same way as humans are, but in a way that fits some definitions of life. And not only might it be alive, but it could surpass our own  biological lives in terms of evolutionary adaptability and development.[embedded content] won't be Elon Musk...

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Canadian Shelter Inflation Poses Difficulties — Brian Romanchuk

The July CPI report for Canada, and as expected, the annual rate of inflation remains high courtesy of comparisons to lockdown pricing in 2020. I am largely on the side of “Team Transitory”: the punchy annual inflation rates will subside once we are past weak comparisons, and some of the supply disruptions are cleared....Bond EconomicsCanadian Shelter Inflation Poses DifficultiesBrian Romanchuk

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Bill Mitchell — Australian labour market – deteriorating but the worst is yet to come

Today (August 19, 2021), the Australian Bureau of Statistics put out the latest – Labour Force, Australia – for July 2021. The background is that the entire East Coast is in or has been in lockdown over the last few months and for the two largest labour markets (NSW and Victoria) that lockdown has been very tight, although not tight enough in NSW. The July 2021 data reveals that employment growth has come to a stop, although the negative impacts of the lockdowns are mainly showing up as...

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DW — Taliban To Reap $1 Trillion Mineral Wealth

The Taliban have been handed a huge financial and geopolitical edge in relations with the world's biggest powers as the militant group seizes control of Afghanistan for a second time.In 2010, a report by US military experts and geologists estimated that Afghanistan, one of the world's poorest countries, was sitting on nearly $1 trillion (€850 billion) in mineral wealth, thanks to huge iron, copper, lithium, cobalt and rare-earth deposits.In the subsequent decade, most of those resources...

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Anita Sicar – As a doctor in a COVID unit, I’m running out of compassion for the unvaccinated. Get the shot

Absolutely bonkers!  I said, “I am going to treat you with, remdesivir,....... “Not nearly as many doses of remdesivir have been given or studied in people and its long-term side effects are still unknown,” I said. “Do you still want me to give it to you?”“Yes” he responded, “Whatever it takes to save my life.”It did not work.My patient died nine days later from a fatal stroke. We, the care team, reconciled this loss by telling ourselves: He made a personal choice not to get vaccinated, not...

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