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Tag Archives: biden

Thinking back 50 years to Nixon’s resignation.

Thinking back to President Nixon's resignation in 1974 due to the Watergate scandal, it almost seems juvenile by today's level of scandals. Nevertheless, Nixon resigned. (He would have been impeached by the Senate anyway, most likely.)Now we have a geriatric, senile old man who can't find his way off a stage or put intelligible sentences together and who is under pressure from his own party but won't step down for the good of the country. The total collapse of integrity and accountability...

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What Judge Luttig’s Report Reveals

I listened to former Federal Judge Luttig’s last night. Luttig covers what SCOTUS may be intending to do with trump. Covers the DC Court of Appeals opinion. And the good judge has a few words of reprimand for prosecutor Hur and his random off-roading opinion of President Joe Biden which was not a part of his assignment. I dislike talking to prosecutors as their role is to break you down. In this case, Hur took advantage of his role. Hope you...

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Open Thread January 18 2024 Biden, the Oldest President Yet

Who saved the US from a pandemic and delivered a good economy. The 2024 political cycle, a triumph of recycling. President Biden and former President Trump are preparing to star in a sequel most Americans do not care to see. That means that eyes will be on the vice-president, Kamala Harris, as well. Because Mr Biden is the oldest president ever, and would be 82 at his second inauguration, voters will scrutinize Ms. Harris with unusual care. The...

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The great economy Trump left Biden

from Dean Baker We have been seeing numerous stories in the media about how people support Donald Trump because he did such a great job with the economy. Obviously, people can believe whatever they want about the world, but it is worth reminding people what the world actually looked like when Trump left office (kicking and screaming) and Biden stepped into the White House. Trump’s Legacy: Mass Unemployment The economy had largely shut down in the spring of 2020 because of the pandemic. It...

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Biden, Netanyahu, and Gaza

First if my obsession with sharing ideas based on my almost total ignorance is getting to be a nuisance please tell me (can’t hurt – might get me to stop – no promises). Second, many commenters (on my pointless posts below) claim that the USA could prevent Israel from killing even larger numbers of Palestinians in the near future. I am not sure that this is possible, but in any case it is a hope not a plan. The USA acting together as actually...

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Not Stepping Aside – What Do We Do?

Democrats are good at killing themselves politically in elections. We are also good at not pushing back when our candidates are under fire. Instead, we find excuses to promote others as substitutes. Or, we take our voting to other extremes such as voting for Disney characters, the family dog or cat, themselves, etc. You do not believe such? Twenty-sixteen was the year of the “Others” vote which put a potential criminal and now an indicted...

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Too Old to be the Pres . . .

The United States Constitution is the world’s longest surviving written charter of government. It was ratified in 1788. Probably will not see the 250-year celebration in 15 years? Maybe I will? I find as you age, people become ruder towards age. They also treat you as being less on the mark. They do not like when you reply back with an intelligent answer. But, should we update the Constitution? Another post, I think. However, there is a...

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Update on CMS implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act on its 1st anniversary

Passing along information on Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, one year out, and the impact on the US. Update on CMS implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act on its 1st anniversary, ACA Signups, Charles Gaba via the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (note: this press release actually came out on August 16th): The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was signed into law on August 16, 2022. The new law provides meaningful...

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Mohela – student loan provider baffled by inclusion in supreme court debt relief challenge

This is starting t0 become a bit confusing as Missouri and other states are suing Biden because Mohela is being harmed by student loan forgiveness. In order to sue, the state has to have standing and they do not as of yet unless SCOTUS finds a way to grant them standing. Twice previously, SCOTUS has swatted states for claiming standing (ACA and Native American Child Adoption) when they did not. Justice Amy Barrett has been challenging the states on...

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Tom Palley on the Causes and Consequences of the War in Ukraine

 By Thomas Palley(1) The origins of the Ukraine conflict lie in the ambitions of US Neocons. Those ambitions threatened Russian national security by fuelling eastward expansion of NATO and anti-Russian regime change in the Republics of the former Soviet Union.(2) The Ukraine conflict is now a proxy war. The US is using Ukraine to attack and weaken Russia.(3) Russia will eventually prevail. We may already be approaching “game over” because Ukraine’s forces have been eviscerated. Ukraine is...

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