In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town to register. Luke 1:3 (as will turn out below, this quote is not frivolous) Summary. The Gaza Ministery of Health, Airways and the World Health Organization have published robust data sets on victims of war-related violence in Gaza. Médecins Sans Frontières...
Read More »Völkermord in Gaza. Two million deaths are in the cards.
The new UN report on deaths in Gaza makes for Grim Reading. According to the admirable work of UN data sleuths, details close to 10.000 of the official 40.000+ deaths have been added. These are only the direct victims; indirect victims (starvation, stress, sickness) are omitted. One of the findings is that, unlike during earlier periods of war in Gaza, killing is indiscriminate. Many of the victims were women and children (graphs). The youngest victim was one day old, and the oldest was...
Read More »Is China Committing Genocide In Xinjiang?
On the last day it could, the Trump State Department officially declared that the Peoples’ Republic of China is committing “genocide” in Xinjiang Province against the mostly Sunni Muslin Uighr minority, the previously dominant group in the province. New SecState Antony Blinken has publicly stated that he agrees with this judgment. However, reportedly the State Department is reviewing this decision, as it is doing with many other parts of US foreign...
Read More »Rev. Evan Jones — “Work of Barbarity”: Here’s What the Trail of Tears Was Like, According to Someone Who Was There
Native American genocide, specifically the Cherokee nation. The real history of the United States, which was, by the way, contemporaneous with slavery. And, yes, the president of "the land of the free and the home of the brave" just made a joke about it.Slate“Work of Barbarity”: Here’s What the Trail of Tears Was Like, According to Someone Who Was There Rev. Evan Jones
Read More »Greg Grandin and Elizabeth Oglesby — Washington Trained Guatemala’s Killers for Decades
Throughout the Cold War, Washington intervened multiple times in Guatemala, funded a rampaging army, ran cover for the death squads that its own security agents—like Longan—helped create, and signaled that it would turn a blind eye to genocide. Even before Ronald Reagan’s 1980 election, two retired generals with prominent roles in his campaign traveled to Central America and told Guatemalan officials that “Mr. Reagan recognizes that a good deal of dirty work has to be done” (for this quote,...
Read More »Moon of Alabama U.S. Grants Approval For Genocide In Yemen
Another crime against humanity soon to be added to those already committed against Yemenis. Moon of AlabamaU.S. Grants Approval For Genocide In Yemen b
Read More »Brett Wilkins — A Brief History of American Torture
Denial — from the highest levels of government to mainstream media still reluctant or refusing to even say or print the word torture to a public which still embraces torture despite its barbarity and inefficacy — is the order of the day when it comes to facing America’s tortured history. Our nation’s failure to honestly examine its darkest deeds raises the all-too-real prospect of their repetition, a chilling possibility that seems likelier than ever given Trump’s choice of Haspel, someone...
Read More »On Columbus Day, Remember…
… that most Amerindians died from Old World diseases to which they had little or no natural immunity, not because of some deliberate, pre-planned genocide by Europeans.The dying out of millions of Amerindians was a horrible and terrible event to be sure, but the Left’s narrative on this is full of lies and fraud.I repeat here some excellent analysis of why and how so many Amerindians died after the European discovery of the Americas.We know that the Native Americans faced a severe group...
Read More »What have we learned from history?
Yesterday, at the final of the Kent Schools Public Speaking Competition, a young boy stepped up to the podium. "What have we learned from history?" he asked. "We have learned that no good comes from killing people". And he went on to speak eloquently, first of World War II: "There has never been another major war," he said.True, there has not. The uneasy peace of the Cold War did not descend into outright conflict, though it was a near thing: the world very nearly went up in nuclear flames...
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