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The history of random walks

The history of random walks .[embedded content] Entertaining and informative at the same time. Great! In case you know some Python you could try this little code snippet that yours truly wrote to simulate and plot a special kind of random walk called ‘Brownian motion.’

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Klaus Fuchs, Max Beer, and Our Anonymous Pamphleteer

Klaus Fuchs makes only a cameo appearance in this tale. But because he is far better known than Jürgen Kuczynski, his relationship to the latter helps establish the milieu in which our main character operated.Fuchs is routinely referred to pejoratively as a "spy" who "stole" atomic secrets. A more nuanced view of his activities was offered by Sir Dick Goldsmith White, Director General of MI5 from 1953 to 1956, and Head of MI6 from 1956 to 1968: "He was a scientist who got cross at the...

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Andreas Cervenka och den svenska bostadsbubblan

Andreas Cervenka och den svenska bostadsbubblan Andreas Cervenka har i sin senaste bok försökt beskriva den svenska bostadsbubblan och vad som ytterst skapat den. Några av de orsaker han lyfter fram är: ♦ Riksbankens långvariga låg-räntepolitik som gjort det billigare för hushåll att låna pengar och därigenom också drivit upp efterfråga och pris på bostäder. ♦ De snabbt ökande bostadspriserna har lett till att svenska hushåll har bland de högsta...

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Stable Coins

STEM Tech bros figuring out a way to safely bypass the current Art degree administered inefficient and sometimes treacherous banking system…🚨CHAMATH: "SpaceX uses Stablecoins. They collect payments from Starlink customers and when they aggregate them in long-tail countries, they don't want to take the FX risk or deal with sending wires, so they'll swap into stablecoins, send it to the US, and then swap back to USD."— Autism Capital 🧩 (@AutismCapital) December 21,...

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Reserves in SLR

Have to watch to see if banking lobby again approaches a now new GOP government with this regulatory modification request… last time in 2021 nutty Pocahontas led Dems wouldn’t agree with it so we’ve remained susceptible to  the financial asset volatility Art degree monetarists can cause when they “inject some pumped in money!” in their characterizing deranged way they think Accounting abstractions are REAL…I think UST should be in the SLR computation, although there might be some weighting...

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Trade deficit

Good point by Setzer … if they stick Trump with the “debt ceiling!” he could end up going after all these foreign USD savings to fund his agenda…I see that President elect Trump's eye has turned to the trade deficit with Europe -- So a reminder that the single most important thing the US could do to bring down the deficit with the EU is to reform the US corporate tax code to end the pro pharma offshoring provisions 1/— Brad Setser (@Brad_Setser) December 20, 2024...

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Christmas thoughts about counting the dead in zones of armed conflict.

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town to register. Luke 1:3 (as will turn out below, this quote is not frivolous) Summary. The Gaza Ministery of Health, Airways and the World Health Organization have published robust data sets on victims of war-related violence in Gaza. Médecins Sans Frontières...

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Debunking the balanced budget superstition

Debunking the balanced budget superstition .[embedded content] The balanced budget paradox is probably one of the most devastating phenomena haunting our economies. The harder politicians — usually on the advice of establishment economists — try to achieve balanced budgets for the public sector, the less likely they are to succeed in their endeavour. And the more the citizens have to pay for the concomitant austerity policies these wrong-headed politicians...

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Ernst Wigforss — konsten att häva en depression

Ernst Wigforss — konsten att häva en depression I det senaste avsnittet av podden Vi bygger landet presenteras och diskuteras Ernst Wigforss bidrag till arbetarrörelsens kamp för full sysselsättning och den ekonomiska politiken. Väl värt att lysssna på! Ernst Wigforss kunde som Sveriges finansminister under stora delar av mellankrigstiden och de tidiga åren efter andra världskriget bidra till att omvandla Sverige till en modell för socialdemokratin genom...

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