[unable to retrieve full-text content]It seems that Hegseth may be forced to end his bid for Secretary of Defense due to his alcoholism and history of sexual abuse and mismanagement of nonprofits. On one level this is as it should be. I could probably live with Hegseth if he was well qualified for the job but got quietly soused […] The post The Hegseth dysfunction appeared first on Angry Bear.
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Who controls the money supply?
The answer is going to surprise you.
Read More »Growth is Good, How do we keep it?
[unable to retrieve full-text content]The question being asked by the Economist Claudia Sahm “Why is Growth So Good . . . “ I did not add the YouTube of Economist Claudia Sahm. You will have to catch it on her site for which some of her commentaries can be read and presented elsewhere, . , , hence it is […] The post Growth is Good, How do we keep it? appeared first on Angry Bear.
Read More »Chinese firms going global
[unable to retrieve full-text content]A brief coming out of China reporting as to what they see as to their issues in growing their international trade. It is a different perspective in what they see as compared to what we see. When I was overseas for weeks at a time, I would pick up a local paper to get those […] The post Chinese firms going global appeared first on Angry Bear.
Read More »Knocking Back The UV
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Joel C. Eissenberg and Michael D. Eissenberg Institute for Thanksgiving Weekend’s Intriguing Standardized Tests (ITWIST) Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Abstract Ultraviolet (UV) light is a form of ionizing radiation prevalent on earth during daylight hours. UV light exposure in humans is a risk factor for skin cancer and cataracts. Accordingly, there has been considerable interest in […] The post Knocking Back The UV appeared first on Angry...
Read More »“strong demand, no question . . . “
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Strong demand because people had money to spend when they would have had nothing if the ARP was not put into play. By the same token, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was targeting the upper 1% of the taxpayers with the next 4% tagging along. It in itself was ~$2 trillion much of which […] The post “strong demand, no question . . . “ appeared first on Angry Bear.
Read More »Uncertainty, learning, and rational expectations
Uncertainty, learning, and rational expectations The rational expectations hypothesis presupposes — basically for reasons of consistency — that agents have complete knowledge of all of the relevant probability distribution functions. When trying to incorporate learning in these models — trying to take the heat of some of the criticism launched against it up to date — it is always a very restricted kind of learning that is considered. A learning where truly...
Read More »Time is on my side
Time is on my side .[embedded content]
Read More »Can BRICS Create a Multipolar World? — Fadhel Kaboub (MMT economist)
Decolonize to Dedollarize! I’m often asked whether BRICS is going to be the game-changer that will disrupt the current geopolitical hierarchy, dedollarize the system, and create a new multipolar word. My position has always been that we can’t dedollarize a system that hasn’t been structurally decolonized yet, and that no new multipolar world can be born without Africa and the rest of the Global South being repositioned away from the bottom of the global hierarchy and at the center of a New...
Read More »Austerity cultist Kenneth Rogoff continues to bore us with his broken record — Bill Mitchell
His latest intervention (November 28, 2024) –Europe’s Economy Is Stalling Out – was published by Project Syndicate, which regularly gives space to these nonsensical mainstream articles.The simple proposition that Rogoff offers is:"As Germany and France head into another year of near-zero growth, it is clear that Keynesian stimulus alone cannot pull them out of their current malaise. To regain the dynamism and flexibility needed to weather US President-elect Donald Trump’s tariffs, Europe’s...
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