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The Angry Bear

John Stuart Mill versus Great Barrington Declaration libertarians on vaccine mandates

The Great Barrington Declaration is the founding text of one influential school of covid-libertarianism.  The GBD made two claims – First, that we should try to protect the vulnerable from contracting covid, and, Second, that we should let the virus spread freely through the non-vulnerable population to reduce the time needed to get to herd immunity.  More recently, many of the people associated with the GBD have taken to arguing vigorously...

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Gasoline at 47 month low & Distillate at 18 month low

Commenter and Blogger RJS, Focus on Fracking, The Latest US Oil Supply and Disposition Data from the EIA US oil data from the US Energy Information Administration for the week ending October 22nd indicated that after a modest increase in our oil imports and a modest decrease in our oil exports, we had surplus oil to add to our stored commercial crude supplies for the fourth time in five weeks and for the for the ninth time in the past thirty weeks...

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Karl Marx: A Nineteenth-Century Life

Professor Joel Eissenberg, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Years ago, I was visiting Halle in the former East Germany and my host took me to the nearby town of Leipzig. While walking through town, he stopped at the shop window of a coin collecting store that displayed the defunct East German 50- and 100-Mark notes. My host remarked “Now you see why we loved Marx and Engels so much.” Growing up during the Cold War, I’m very conscious of how...

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(Hence the correctness of the theory of surplus population and surplus capital…)

(Hence the correctness of the theory of surplus population and surplus capital…) Marx mentioned, “the theory of surplus population and surplus capital,” parenthetically, in the Grundrisse and “surplus population and surplus capital” in his 1862-63 draft of Capital. Although it isn’t certain what theory exactly he was referring to, the phrase reappears, in reverse order, in chapter 15, section 3 of volume III of Capital, “Surplus Capital alongside...

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And the Anti-Anything Whiners . . .

“30,000 people were trapped inside Shanghai Disneyland on Halloween after one person tested positive for COVID-19,” Business Insider, Sinéad Baker And United States Anti-Vaxers, maskers, and social distancers whine. Excerpt from the article: Disneyland Shanghai shut down after one positive COVID-19 case was found there.The nearly 34,000 visitors and staff had to get tested before they were allowed to leave.Videos showed people lining up and...

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“Lump” and “labor” are two words…

“Lump” and “labor” are two words… From: Tom Walker Sent: October 27, 2021 3:49 PM To: scott.a.wolla@ Subject: Lump of labor fallacy Dear Scott, I just came across your article, “Examining the Lump of Labor Fallacy Using a Simple Economic Model,” from November of last year on the St. Louis Fed website. I have done quite a bit of research on this topic and I was dismayed to see the old canard of a fallacy recycled without any...

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September 2021 Income and Outlays Report

September Personal Income Fell 1.0%, Spending Rose 0.6%, PCE Price Index Up 0.3%; Savings Rate Lowest Since December 2019, Commenter and Blogger RJS, MarketWatch 666 Friday’s release of the September Income and Outlays report was concurrent with the GDP release on Thursday, and all the PCE data in the 3rd quarter GDP report we just covered actually originated with this report . . . and like that GDP report, all the dollar values reported here...

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Let’s Make a Deal

Please! Please! Spare us the charade. No more denials. No more tear-jerking stories about job loss. We know that you fossils are not dumb. That what you fossils really want is to be bought out. With $Trillions of reserves on the block, who can blame you? Buying you out might be best. Certainly better than continuing to burn your products. Better yet, we use the money to develop carbon-free alternatives. Considering that the fossil’s reserves...

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3rd Quarter GDP Grew at 2.0% as Real Final Sales of GDP Ticked Lower

Commenter and Blogger RJS, Marketwatch 666, 3rd Quarter GDP Grew at 2.0% Rate even as Real Final Sales of GDP Ticked Lower Our economy grew at a 2.0% rate in the 3rd quarter, quite a bit slower than the growth rate of the second quarter, as increasing consumer outlays for services, greater nonresidential fixed investment, and inventory improvement were offset by decreasing consumer outlays for durable goods, shrinking residential investment, lower...

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