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Tag Archives: covid

COVID taught us a lot for future pandemics

I put much of this short article in up just to make the point, “we had no basis for what we were doing. And wat we did promote was not a cure. It was preventive actions on droplets within six feet rather than a plan to limit exposure to an aerosol spread of Covid. The article make that point. And Ms. Greene makes a fool of herself. ~~~~~~~~ COVID taught us a lot for future pandemics. Attacking Fauci doesn’t make us safer. by Dr. Ashish K....

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Coronavirus dashboard, 4 years into the pandemic: all-time low in hospitalizations, deaths likely to follow

 – by New Deal democrat The Bonddad Blog On Friday the CDC updated its COVID death statistics through March 31, which means that we now have 4 full years of data. It also updated its hospitalization data through April 20, and to cut to the chase, last week saw a record low hospitalizations for COVID – 5,615 – since its onset. So this is a good time to look at the state of the now-endemic pandemic. When it comes to both hospitalization and...

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GAO: Food Prices: Information on Trends, Factors, and Federal Roles

This is a good recital by the GAO on Food Prices, its trends, factors affecting it, and how the government plays a role in it. It covers quite a bit of territory on costs and prices pre-2021 and 2021 to 2022. It was those two years when Covid was having an impact on the nation and globally. The impact came in getting food to market, processing it, and making it available. If have some time to review this report, I believe you will come away with...

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About that BA.2.86 COVID variant

There has been some head-scratching about the recent COVID variant, BA.2.86, which has 34 amino acid changes in the spike protein compared to its closest reference sequence. Commenter rjs asks: “how can one virus suddenly wake up one morning and find it had mutated 30 times overnight? And that all 30 of its mutations were viable?’s difficult for me to understand how such a major change could have possibly occurred as part of what should...

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CDC and Covid

As taken from the Comments Section., Commenter RJS . . . the CDC reports that the trend in hospital admissions for Covid was up 12.1% to 8,035 over the most recent week, while the trend in the percentage of Covid deaths was again unchanged…if we go back three weeks on the CDC’s Covid deaths graph to the death totals which presumably won’t be revised, we find there were 426 Covid deaths over the week ending July 15th, which would have been a...

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CDC and Covid

As taken from the Comments Section., Commenter RJS . . . the CDC reports that the trend in hospital admissions for Covid was up 12.1% to 8,035 over the most recent week, while the trend in the percentage of Covid deaths was again unchanged…if we go back three weeks on the CDC’s Covid deaths graph to the death totals which presumably won’t be revised, we find there were 426 Covid deaths over the week ending July 15th, which would have been a...

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SARS-CoV-2 was probably not released from a research lab

I’m a molecular biologist who also has an undergrad degree in microbiology. Those facts and the additional facts that (a) I was in the Moderna phase III trial and (b) my medical school is one of ten NIH designated vaccine testing and evaluation units made me an avid student of the unfolding COVID-19 story. Given everything we know over centuries of experience, the null hypothesis is that any pandemic has a natural origin. But since the COVID-19...

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Red/Blue COVID Death Rate Divide did not disappear after all

So much for the Covid Gap disappearing. The difference in the death rate for Covid still exists politically. It looks like the Red/Blue COVID Death Rate Divide didn’t disappear after all, ACA Signups, Charles Gaba Last month Charles Gaba noted the partisan COVID death rate gap again. And again it had been higher in the reddest U.S. counties than the bluest counties every month since July 2020. It appeared to be on the verge of finally...

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Coronavirus dashboard for December 7: the first winter wave of endemicity begins

Coronavirus dashboard for December 7: the first winter wave of endemicity begins  – by New Deal democrat COVID is well on its way to becoming endemic, with a significant background level similar to what we have experienced in the last 8 months, and a surge during the winter months when people spend more time socializing together indoors. In that vein, it is apparent that, as expected, Thanksgiving get-togethers have triggered a new wave of...

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Do Republican Counties have Higher Covid Death Rates than Democratic Counties?

Some seem to think so. A recent paper by Jacob Wallace, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, and Jason L. Schwartz appears to backup this claim up with some numbers exclusively of their own. “Excess Covid Death Rates for Republicans and Democrats During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” NBER, © 2022 by Jacob Wallace, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, and Jason L. Schwartz “Political affiliation has emerged as a potential risk factor for COVID-19, amid evidence that...

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