From the Wallet Hub a beginning look at the impact on US: With President Donald Trump’s plans for financing the soon-to-be-constructed border wall with Mexico sparking concerns about a possible trade battle between our two nations, the personal-finance website WalletHub conducted an in-depth analysis of 2017′s States Most Affected by Trade War with Mexico. In order to gauge the impact of the economic fallout with Mexico on individual states, WalletHub’s...
Read More »GOP Senators fight facts: won’t hear Coretta Scott King’s views of Attorney General nominee Sessions
by Linda Beale GOP Senators fight facts: won’t hear Coretta Scott King’s views of Attorney General nominee Sessions GOP obstructionism is back again in full form. This time, instead of voting over and over again to eliminate affordable health care (Obamacare) for the 20 million Americans now covered by the health reform act or declaring that they will not perform their duty to even hold a committee meeting on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, they are...
Read More »Trump Administration Plays Havoc with Voice of America
by Linda Beale Trump Administration Plays Havoc with Voice of America Did you know that the Republicans inserted a change to the administration of the Voice of America (VOA) network in the December military authorization ‘must pass’ bill? The VOA has always been administered by a bipartisan broadcasting board of governors–distinguished nonpartisan media experts. The change was to have the $800 million budget Voice of America run by a CEO appointed by and...
Read More »Angry Bear in the A list
Focus Economics now lists Angry Bear in the A list. (Instead of The Angry Bear)
Read More »How would a border tax affect Inequality in US?… Jason Welker
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Read More »Trade agreements have harmed manufacturing employment
Prof. Brad DeLong in an article earlier this week made a bold claim: that “US trade agreements have not substantially harmed manufacturing employment. Period.” I am making the equally bold claim that he is wrong. There are at least two major points in his article that I believe are plainly incorrect. First, in making his case that US manufacturing jobs have disappeared because of efficiency and the strg dollar, Prof. Brad DeLong invokes comparisons to Germany. Let me quote him at...
Read More »Who will pay for the wall on the Mexican border?
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Read More »Legible version of How have Phillips Curves Shifted in the 15 Countries Which Were in The European Union in 1997 ?
Robert Waldmann | January 25, 2017 6:46 am First note strong evidence that the rate of wage inflation is mean reverting. This is a pooled regression with data from the Old EU 15 from 1960 through 2015. Indicator variables for countries are included but the coefficients aren’t reported. dw is the percent rate of wage inflation. ddw is the...
Read More »Equality in Retirement
Sarah Anderson and Scott Klinger of the Institute of Policy Studies released “Tale of Two Retirements”, a study discussing how well CEOs will retire in comparison to the low and middle income citizens who only have 401ks and Social Security to retire on in the US and what President-Elect Trump’s actions will do to CEO retirement. One hundred CEOs have company retirement funds worth approximately $4.7 billion or a sum equal to the entire retirement savings of 41...
Read More »European Pooled Panel Phillips Curve
This continues joint research with Marco Fioramanti. Our aim is to understand something about European natural rates of unemployment and whether the European Commissions estimated levels which they call NAWRU (for non accelerating wage inflation rate of unemployment) are useful approximations. Here is a brief summary of work to date (prior to this note). Various subsets of us wrote at length here, here, here, here , and here. In this note I look at a panel of...
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