by New Deal democrat A thought for Sunday: No, Trump isn’t imploding — but the opposition is broad and intense My post from two weeks ago, “No, Trump isn’t Imploding” got picked up by a few other sites within the past few days, and I wanted to follow up because we have a fuller picture of public opinion now. Basically, Trump still isn’t imploding. He is holding his base. In fact, there is a little economic evidence that they are putting their wallets where...
Read More »The Scale Of Trump’s Yemen Botch
by Barkley Rosser (originally published at Econospeak) The Scale Of Trump’s Yemen Botch It is becoming clear that the scale of the botch by Donald Trump in Yemen in his first effort at a foreign military action is much greater than .first reported, as reported by Juan Cole. Right from the start we heard that people in the military were complaining about poor vetting of intel and how there was more military resistance than expected, with one...
Read More »A thought for Sunday: of heartlessness, confidence and conviction
by New Deal democrat A thought for Sunday: of heartlessness, confidence and conviction First of all, let me join in full in the following from Calculated Risk: These are not normal times, and I can’t just post economic data and remain silent on other issues. Mr. Trump’s executive order is un-American, not Christian, and hopefully unconstitutional. This is a shameful act and no good person can remain silent. I believe that the sheer heartlessness of Trump’s...
Read More »Worthy of debate
(Dan here)n There are all sorts of ideas about what is going on right now in the US, and many proposed opinions. Yves offers an opinion on the Women’s March itself, but I am watching both locally and state wide (MA) where the follow up is actually happening, what forms it takes, and who is involved. Perhaps others can add knowledge and experiences to date. Certainly Democratic party leaders at the national level are searching for responses. I am going to...
Read More »California farming and our food sources
From the New York Times comes this information on the nature of immigration in California. Mr. Trump’s immigration policies could transform California’s Central Valley, a stretch of lowlands that extends from Sacramento to Bakersfield. Approximately 70 percent of all farm workers here are living in the United States illegally, according to researchers at University of California, Davis. The impact could reverberate throughout the valley’s precarious...
Read More »Trump Administration Plays Havoc with Education–and your tax dollars
by Linda Beale Trump Administration Plays Havoc with Education–and your tax dollars Betsy DeVos was confirmed as Secretary of Education in a Senate vote that had every Democratic Senator voting against her, along with two brave Republican Senators (Lisa Murkowski, Alaska; and Susan Collins, Maine). Thanks to those no-voters who showed integrity. Regrettably, the vote created a tie, broken in DeVos’s favor by Trump’s Veep, Mike Pence. Note that the result...
Read More »In case you thought Trump was imploding . . .
by New Deal democrat In case you thought Trump was imploding . . . For those of you who may be cocooned in the liberal blogosphere, I’m afraid I must administer a cold slap in the face. Here is the graph of Gallup’s Economic Confidence Survey from its inception nearly 10 years ago. Notice that spike to new highs right at the end? Let’s zoom in for a closer look, as in the last 3 months: The first surge of +10% in confidence happened right after the...
Read More »States most affected by trade war with Mexico
From the Wallet Hub a beginning look at the impact on US: With President Donald Trump’s plans for financing the soon-to-be-constructed border wall with Mexico sparking concerns about a possible trade battle between our two nations, the personal-finance website WalletHub conducted an in-depth analysis of 2017′s States Most Affected by Trade War with Mexico. In order to gauge the impact of the economic fallout with Mexico on individual states, WalletHub’s...
Read More »GOP Senators fight facts: won’t hear Coretta Scott King’s views of Attorney General nominee Sessions
by Linda Beale GOP Senators fight facts: won’t hear Coretta Scott King’s views of Attorney General nominee Sessions GOP obstructionism is back again in full form. This time, instead of voting over and over again to eliminate affordable health care (Obamacare) for the 20 million Americans now covered by the health reform act or declaring that they will not perform their duty to even hold a committee meeting on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, they are...
Read More »Trump Administration Plays Havoc with Voice of America
by Linda Beale Trump Administration Plays Havoc with Voice of America Did you know that the Republicans inserted a change to the administration of the Voice of America (VOA) network in the December military authorization ‘must pass’ bill? The VOA has always been administered by a bipartisan broadcasting board of governors–distinguished nonpartisan media experts. The change was to have the $800 million budget Voice of America run by a CEO appointed by and...
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