Saturday , October 5 2024
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The Angry Bear

How to understand next week’s Trump criminal felony trial

Robert Reich Roberts Substack Robert Reich’s update on the upcoming criminal trial on election interference. ~~~~~~~~ Trump wants you to think that all he did was try to cover up a sexual affair. Wrong. Trump’s first criminal trial, the first criminal trial of a former president, ever — is scheduled to begin Monday. The 34-count business falsification case may be the only case against Trump to reach a verdict before the November...

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New Deal democrat Weekly Indicators April 8 – 12 2024

 – by New Deal democrat The Bonddad Blog My “Weekly Indicators” post is up at Seeking Alpha. Long Lead Indicator Remain Unchanged. Short Lead Indicators show Improvement. Coincidental Indicators suggest a stable consumer and taxpayer environment for 2024. There has been a lot of churn in both the short leading and coincident indicators in the past few weeks, but the overall tone is towards a more positive economic environment....

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Manipulating Supply Chains and Manufacturing, for Corporate Influence and Profit

The one thing we keep on seeing is the manipulation of supply chain by circumstance to achive manufacturing shortfall, and influence to maximize profits. Much of what we have and are experiencing was avoidable. The tools exist to give better perspectives of what is going on from start to finish of product. As you read through my telling of what I see, you will get near the end and run into a link to a Vox article. It support what I am saying and have...

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Real average wages and aggregate payrolls signal continued growth

 – by New Deal democrat Keep in mind NDd only talks about Real Average Wages in which he does not include supervisor wages or increases. In this regard, readers get a much better perspective of Labor wages and earnings. Since NDd was traveling, we have an additional post this week. The Bonddad Blog On Wednesday I was traveling so I didn’t get around to writing about the important CPI release. Let me start my delayed response by updating real...

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The actual cost of college in America

I’m seeing the usual hyperventilating about college tuition. Look, there’s a lot of competition, particularly among the more competitive universities, to post exorbitant sticker prices for tuition because it makes them look valuable. The reality is that college tuitions are steeply discounted and most domestic students get “scholarships” that reduce the actual cost. “ . . .the actual cost of college for a family with an income of $100,000 has...

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March consumer price inflation was still mainly about the dynamics of shelter and gas prices

 – by New Deal democrat The Bonddad Blog New Deal democrat has been on top of the discussions of shelter and/or gasoline prices in February and also in January. He has been on top of these discussions which appear to be making the news moreso in April than earlier in the year. I have linked to the February commentary and there you can find an earlier commentary link. Enjoy the detail of NDd’s. ~~~~~~~~ The one advantage of not reporting...

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Milei and dollarization

I try not to blog about stuff I don’t know much about, but sometimes I can’t help myself.  This is one of those times, so caveat lector.  This could be way off base.  Do not quote this to your friends.  Do not train your AI on it. Argentina’s libertarian President Javier Milei has made noises about dollarizing the Argentine economy.  I have no idea if this would be a smart thing to do, but let’s assume it is. One argument against dollarization...

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Open Thread, April 12 2024 Inflation Increases – Look to Gasoline and Shelter

Consumer Price Index – March 2024 ( “The BLS index for shelter rose in March, as did the index for gasoline. Combined, these two indexescontributed over half of the monthly increase in the index for all items. The energy index rose 1.1percent over the month. The food index rose 0.1 percent in March. The food at home index wasunchanged, while the food away from home index rose 0.3 percent over the month. Good reads on the March BLS...

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March CPI: Should We Be Worried?

by Dean Baker Center for Economic and Policy Research The inflation hawks took March’s CPI as cause for celebration, inflation may not be dead yet. There is no doubt that it was a disappointing report for those hoping we could put the pandemic inflation behind us. However, there still is not much basis for thinking the Fed needs to get out the nukes and start shooting big-time. The key point to remember is this inflation continues to be...

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How much should a life-saving drug cost?

My former chairman used to tell the story of when he was a resident on rounds in the 1950s, he would hear a pounding sound in some of the patient rooms. When he looked in to discover the source, it was a nurse pounding the back of a patient who was stretched across the bed with his/her head hanging over the edge. The nurse was trying to dislodge the mucus in the lungs of the patients, who had cystic fibrosis. While cystic fibrosis is a multisystem...

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