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The Angry Bear

Monthly data starts out with slightly positive news in manufacturing, slightly negative in construction

 – by New Deal democrat The Bonddad Blog As usual, the new month’s data starts out with information on manufacturing and construction. To repeat what I have said often recently, these are the two sectors I am paying particular attention to for forecasting purposes this year. The ISM manufacturing index has been a good leading indicator in that sector for 75 years. The difference over time, especially the last 20 years, is that manufacturing...

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Jim Crow and American medicine

I grew up in the American South as the end of apartheid. I remember the first Black kid who showed up in my 3rd grade and how the teacher prepared us for his arrival the day before. I remember the race riots of the ‘60s and I remember where I was when I learned MLK had been assassinated at the other end of the state.Yes, we’ve now had a two-term Black president (although his legitimacy was questioned by many, including the current GOP candidate for...

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Record wind and solar power generation in Germany. No foolin’.

When I think of the places on the planet that seem optimized for solar and wind power generation, I think of deserts like the Sahara and the desert Southwest in the US. And yet Germany is generating a growing share of its electricity through these renewables:“Preliminary data by energy market research group AG Energiebilanzen (AGEB) showed that onshore wind turbines produced a record 114.2 terawatt hours (TWh) in Germany in 2023, while solar PV...

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Climate Change Indicators: U.S. Green House Gas Emissions

Updates on Green House Gas and Climate Change. Rather than have readers flip from chart to chart on different pages, I consolidated the Green House Gas charts on one page. When it says see Figure 2 or 3, the chart is nearby and clearly marked. The update as marked on the original piece is Web update: November 2023. So, this is fairly current. It appears the US is making some headway in decreasing emissions. It also is said, the US has a long way to...

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Is it live or is it ChatGPT?

It’s hard to keep generating fresh content every day for your edification and entertainment here at Angry Bear. The temptation is to use Chat GPT to do the heavy lifting, but so far, we’ve foresworn AI to rely on our own in-house I. If you begin to suspect that we’ve betrayed our readers, here are the ten most overused words by ChatGPT*1. Explore2. Captivate3. Tapestry4. Leverage5. Embrace6. Resonate7. Dynamic8. Testament9. Delve10. ElevateWhen these...

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The Right’s Long Game to End Public Education

Briefly, this commentary is about creating a better environment for all children in public schools and stymie the political and personal efforts impeding the environment for them coming from privatization interests. by Jeff Bryant The Progressive Magazine “Every year, there’s something to stoke division in an attempt to disrupt our public schools and decrease the confidence in our public schools. Four years ago were the masks. [Critical race...

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Sunday Funnies: “GOP Lawmaker Thinks He Exposed Busload of ‘Illegals’”

Anyone have a sword available for him to fall upon after his commentary of illegals invading Michigan? “Happening right now,” Michigan GOP Lawmaker State Rep. Matt Maddock wrote. “Three busses [sic] just loaded up with illegal invaders at Detroit Metro. Anyone have any idea where they’re headed with their police escort?” Attached to the tweet were grainy photos of white buses at Detroit’s airport and a plane. He tagged Pete Hoekstra, a...

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New Deal Democrats Weekly Indicators March 25-29 2024

 – by New Deal democrat My “Weekly Indicators” post is up at Seeking Alpha. Regional Manufacturing Declines Again After several weeks of flirting with full recovery, the remaining regional Fed’s weighed in with their monthly manufacturing indexes, and they all went in the tank again. On the bright side, payroll tax withholding has had its best month in the fiscal year so far. Also: Long Leading Indicators Show Gradual Improvement with...

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“We Have to Be a Nation That Trusts Women”

It has been a while since Angry Bear has featured Annie Asks You . . . Just been busy and I have been delinquent in doing so. This topic has been a long time in coming. I am confident it will be one which pushes America in the right direction. “AnnieAsksYou . . . “ [embedded content] While the Republicans continue to scramble and dig more deeply into the hole created since the radical Supreme Court majority decimated reproductive freedom,...

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Why Did The U.S. Navy Kill Arizona’s Housing Bill?

– by Jerusalem Demsas Many individuals wrote in and complained about the new law which would have given more power to builders, CAI, CCMC, etc. If you read the bill below, you will see it has major flaws in it. I wrote and asked the legislature to deny this bill. It would not stop builders from making the same decisions and even less appropriate decisions with regard to lots, etc. Secondly, this has little to do with the military writing a...

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