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Tag Archives: Argentina

Association for Heterodox Economics’ Webinar: The Argentina of Javier Milei

 April 16th 2024 10am New York / 3pm LondonSince the beginning of the military dictatorship in March 1976, pro-market visions were imposed by violating human rights in the darkest period of Argentina’s history and occupied political thought for more than four decades, even in democracy. Although these ideas had a brief pause in the period 2003-2015, they are still in force and now more than ever under the new administration of Mr. Milei. Mr. Milei has imposed a huge depreciation of the...

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On the New Argentine Pendulum

A short paper for FIDE on the so-called Argentine pendulum. The pendulum was the phrase used by Marcelo Diamand to discuss the persistent boom and bust cycles associated with left of center developmentalist governments, and liberal governments that promoted adjustment. The suggestion in this paper is that in reality the previous pendulum was mostly political, and about constraining the left of center ability to redistribute income (higher wages), often restricting democratic institutions....

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Argentina and the Philippines: Similar development struggles

By Jesus Felipe and Matías VernengoALTHOUGH the economies of Argentina and the Philippines are very different, the two share structural problems that make both nations’ development a complex process. The election of Javier Milei as the new president elect of Argentina, gives us the opportunity to review the differences and parallels between the two economies.Milei is a radical libertarian populist economist with authoritarian tendencies. His proposals range from the dangerous in economics...

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Milei e la dollarizzazione argentina

 Articolo con Matias Vernengo sul nuovo presidente argentino e la sua proposta di dollarizzare il Paese, pubblicato su Il Fatto quotidiano lo scorso 27 novembre 2023. Il ritorno del neoliberismo in Argentina Matias Vernengo* e Sergio Cesaratto** Il presidente eletto dell'Argentina, Javier Milei, è un populista di estrema destra, con tendenze autoritarie semi- fasciste. È un ammiratore di Trump e Bolsonaro e ha affinità con molti leader di estrema destra europei come Giorgia Meloni....

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Swift but Not Serious

I believe that I have caught a typographical error in the New York Times. The article is interesting, it alleges that Taylor Swift fans may decide the Argentinian presidential runoff (voting for the center left Sergio Massa and not for the right wing Javier Milie). A pop singer with actual measurable political influence (in a foreign country even) makes me think of the 70s as does Javier Milie’s hairstyle (longish, tousled, & with sideburns...

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On Milei’s economic plans for Argentina

 Sturzenegger thanks Milei for his support while he was at the BCRA Javier Milei's victory in the primary election has set alarms in Argentina. Many suggest that this was unexpected, and in a sense, given the more recent polls, it was. Also, many have suggested that his strong showing represents a protest vote, since he is a complete outsider, and that this is a repeat of the 2001/2 protests that demanded that all established politicians were ousted (que se vayan todos). But these are at...

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