Tuesday , July 2 2024
Home / The Angry Bear (page 65)

The Angry Bear

How Redistribution Makes Us All Richer

Modeling the numbers on bottom-up and middle-out economics. How Redistribution Makes Us All Richer, Wealth Economics, Steve Roth You hear a lot about bottom-up and middle-out economics these days, as antidotes to a half-century of “trickle-down” theorizing and rhetoric. You’re even hearing it, prominently, from Joe Biden. [embedded content] They’re compelling ideas: put more wealth and income in the hands of millions, or hundreds of...

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Messaging the 2024 election

This post is long and flirts with the 10% fair use limit, but I’ll try to keep under it.Dave Kellogg has a blog post up from a few days ago comparing the messaging of Team Trump vs Team Biden. Read the whole thing, but here are some core points. Kellogg distills the Democratic two-word message to “Save Democracy” and the GOP two-word message to “Save America.”In short: • “Republicans want to save the country, Democrats want to save an idea. Saving...

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Attacks on Red Sea shipping, and its tie to US energy consumption

Attacks on Red Sea shipping, and its tie to US energy consumption  – by New Deal democrat The drought in economic data continues today. So let me continue on the issue of energy, tying into yesterday’s note on hybrid and electric vehicles. Here’s an eye-opening graph from JP Morgan via Carl Quintanilla’s social media feed, showing an 80% decline in shipping through the Suez Canal following Houthi attacks on commercial vessels at the entrance...

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Elmore Nickleberry, Memphis sanitation worker 1968

Kind of hard to keep track of this these days. In 1968, I left for the Corps, Boot Camp and then over to Fort Monmouth to be trained as a Crypto Tech. I was sent back to California and the to Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. Back and forth out of Cuba. Times are changing; but not fast enough for people who have been subjugated to a lifetime of discrimination. Can’t be many of those left who marched in this Memphis strike and then experienced the...

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Something Fishy About This Supreme Court

This is a 100% Copy and Paste from Slate’s Jurisprudence Column which specializes in the Law and what is occurring in the courts. An importance piece today, being taken up by a SCOTUS intent on deconstructing what has been in place for decades rather than ruling on what is wrong with an agency decision. The outcome of which may disable Congressional designated departments from making decisions as determined by Congressional Acts. The court is...

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Boeing 737 Max Plug Bolts not tightened to specification

Follow-up to “Why is Boeing such a shitty corporation?” Angry Bear, by Robert Reich Assebly Issue – Boeing 737 Max Plug Bolts not specifications. No defective parts, just defective assembly. As I said to Ron . . . “The same with cars. For example, Testing on vehicles such as smashing into a wall (commonly seen on TV) shoulda, woulda, etc. been done. Cabin pressurization? I would think testing was done on this item installed too? Is there a...

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EV sales stalling and hybrids are flying off dealer lots

A discussion: EV sales have been stalling, while hybrids are flying off dealer lots  – by New Deal democrat In addition to housing, the other big area where supply shock inflation has not completely resolved is vehicles. Basically almost the entirety of 2020 production was lost, leading to roughly a 10 million vehicle shortfall in the amount necessary to replace old vehicles. As the below graph shows, while new vehicles cost no more in “real”...

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In Defense of Trump’s Economics by a Billionaire

I read this article “MAGA warning to Dems is right on target.” An OpEd by the NY Post. Others may disagree, I believe it to be nonsensical. Just some rich guy saying, I like it like this. Don’t change it. There is a lot saying he is wrong. Adding the detail in brevity. You can always click on a link to get more detail. Here is Jamie Dimon comping trump and Biden on the economy. What do you think he is worried about over the next four years? First,...

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Personalized medicine

I went to an optometrist yesterday. Among the various gizmos I was assaulted with was a device that imaged the back of my eye. The doc showed me the images. In addition to my blood vessels, my optic nerves and my macula visible directly, the software also supplies tomography at various position across the field to reveal the thickness of my retina at any position. It was very cool.I had a similar experience with imaging in the dental surgery office...

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Claudine Gay and alternative facts

There is so much to say about the Claudine Gay affair, anti-semitism at Harvard, and Harvard’s response to recent student protests that I have opted to say nothing.  But over at Café Hayek, libertarian economist Donald Boudreaux asks an interesting question: How does Claudine Gay’s “my truth” differ from Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts”? It seems to me that these ‘concepts’ share much with each other and that each is equally unwarranted. ...

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