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Warren Mosler is an American economist and theorist, and one of the leading voices in the field of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Presently, Warren resides on St. Croix, in the US Virgin Islands, where he owns and operates Valance Co., Inc.

Mosler Economics

Consumer sentiment, unemployment claims, housing starts, lumber, retail sales, industrial production

Alarmingly high this long after the crisis and no longer moving lower: Seems ‘on average’ it’s hard to say much has changed: Though this looks promising: Tariffs and Covid related supply issues are commonplace: Nice move up after the move down, but still looking net lower than otherwise for the last 12 months due to the crisis: Back towards prior levels but still way down overall for the last year:

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Personal income and spending

Personal income went up with the crisis due to Federal transfers of the Cares Act, which subsequently faded: Personal income excluding government support continues to lag behind prior levels: Even with the higher levels of total personal income consumption has lagged and most recently decreased as government benefits expired: A part of consumption comes from buying on credit, and with employment down, fewer people qualify for credit. So while the additional income reduces...

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